S03L06 – Spring boot Auth Controller, API Authorization explained

Managing API Authorization with Spring Boot and JWT: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding JWT and Authorities
  3. Setting Up Authority Enumerations
  4. Modifying the Account Model
  5. Configuring the Auth Controller
  6. Generating and Managing JWT Tokens
  7. Securing APIs with Spring Security
  8. Testing API Authorization
  9. Conclusion


In the realm of modern web applications, securing APIs is paramount. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) have emerged as a robust solution for handling authentication and authorization. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of managing API authorization using Spring Boot and JWT, focusing on granular control through authorities. We’ll explore setting up authority enumerations, modifying models, configuring controllers, generating tokens, and securing APIs with Spring Security. Whether you’re a beginner or a developer with basic knowledge, this guide equips you with the essential tools to implement effective authorization mechanisms in your Spring Boot applications.

Understanding JWT and Authorities

What is JWT?

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a compact and self-contained way of securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. They are widely used for authentication and authorization in web applications.

Importance of Authorities in JWT

Authorities in JWT define the permissions and roles assigned to a user. By managing authorities, developers can implement granular access control, ensuring that users can only perform actions they’re authorized to execute.

Pros and Cons of Using Authorities

Pros Cons
Granular Control: Fine-tuned access based on roles and permissions. Complexity: Managing multiple authorities can increase system complexity.
Scalability: Easily add or modify roles as the application grows. Token Size: Additional authorities can increase the size of the JWT.
Security: Restricts unauthorized access to sensitive endpoints. Management Overhead: Requires careful handling to avoid misconfigurations.

When and Where to Use Authorities

Authorities are essential in applications where different user roles require varying levels of access. For instance, in an e-commerce platform, administrators might manage products and orders, while regular users can place orders and view products. Implementing authorities ensures that each role accesses only the functionalities pertinent to them.

Setting Up Authority Enumerations

To manage authorities effectively, we start by defining an Authority enumeration. This enum provides a list of predefined authorities that can be assigned to users.


  • READ, WRITE, UPDATE, DELETE: Define basic CRUD operations.
  • USER, ADMIN: Define user roles with specific permissions.

By using enums, we ensure consistency and prevent typos in authority names across the application.

Modifying the Account Model

With the authority enumerations in place, the next step involves modifying the Account model to incorporate these authorities.

Key Modifications:

  • Plural Form (authorities): Indicates that an account can have multiple authorities.
  • Default Authority: By default, every account is assigned the USER authority.


Using a Set<String> for authorities ensures that each authority is unique per account. The FetchType.EAGER ensures that authorities are loaded immediately with the account, which is crucial for authorization checks.

Configuring the Auth Controller

The AuthController manages authentication and token generation. After updating the account model, several changes are required in the controller to handle authorities correctly.

Key Changes:

  • Handling Authorities: Ensure that during token generation, all assigned authorities are included.


When a user logs in, the AuthController authenticates the credentials and generates a JWT that includes all authorities assigned to the user. This token is then used for subsequent API requests to verify permissions.

Generating and Managing JWT Tokens

The TokenService is responsible for generating JWT tokens that encapsulate the user’s authorities.


  • Authority Concatenation: Multiple authorities are concatenated with a space delimiter, conforming to Spring Security’s expectations.
  • Token Claims: The token includes the subject (user’s email) and authorities, along with issuance and expiration times.
  • Signature: The token is signed using the HS512 algorithm to ensure integrity.

Code with Comments:

Output Explanation:

An example JWT generated might look like:

This token includes the authorities admin user, separated by a space, enabling the application to recognize the user as both an admin and a regular user.

Securing APIs with Spring Security

Spring Security leverages the authorities embedded within JWT tokens to secure API endpoints. Here’s how to configure it:


  • Endpoint Protection:
    • /admin/**: Accessible only to users with the admin authority.
    • /user/**: Accessible to users with either user or admin authorities.
  • JWT Filter: Ensures that every request is intercepted and the JWT is validated before granting access.

Syntax Highlighting and Code Comments:

Testing API Authorization

Testing ensures that the authorization mechanism works as intended. Here’s how to validate different user tokens:

  1. Admin Token:
    • Token Authorities: admin user
    • Access: Can perform actions restricted to both admin and user roles.
    • Test: Attempt to access both /admin/** and /user/** endpoints. Both should be accessible.
  2. User Token:
    • Token Authorities: user
    • Access: Can perform actions restricted to the user role only.
    • Test:
      • Access /user/** endpoints: Should Succeed
      • Access /admin/** endpoints: Should Fail with Insufficient Scope

Example Scenarios:

  • Generating an Admin Token:

    Result: Can list all users and access admin functionalities.

  • Generating a User Token:

    Result: Can access user-specific functionalities but restricted from admin endpoints.


Using tools like Postman, you can generate tokens for different roles and test the secured endpoints to ensure that authorization works as expected.


Implementing robust API authorization is crucial for building secure applications. By leveraging Spring Boot and JWT, developers can create scalable and maintainable authentication systems. This guide walked you through setting up authority enumerations, modifying models, configuring controllers, generating tokens, and securing APIs using Spring Security.

Key Takeaways:

  • Granular Control: Authorities allow for fine-tuned access control based on user roles.
  • Scalability: Easily add or modify roles as application requirements evolve.
  • Security: Ensures that users access only the functionalities they are permitted to.

As web applications continue to grow in complexity, understanding and implementing effective authorization mechanisms becomes indispensable. With the strategies outlined in this guide, you’re well-equipped to secure your APIs and protect sensitive data.

SEO Optimized Keywords: Spring Boot JWT Authorization, API Security with Spring Boot, Managing Authorities in Spring, Spring Security JWT Integration, Role-Based Access Control Spring, JWT Token Generation Spring Boot, Secure Spring Boot APIs, Spring Boot Auth Controller, Implementing Spring Security, JWT Authority Management

Note: This article is AI generated.

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