S09L02 – Pagination and Sorting in Spring boot – Section wrapup


  • @RequestParam: Binds HTTP request parameters to method parameters.
  • soughtBy: Determines the field by which data is sorted. It’s optional and defaults to createdAt.
  • perPage: Specifies the number of records per page. It’s optional and defaults to 5.
  • page: Indicates the current page number. It’s optional and defaults to 1.

Implementing the Controller Logic

The controller is responsible for processing the pagination parameters, interacting with the service layer to fetch the desired data subset, and preparing the model attributes for the view.


  • PageRequest: Constructs pagination information, including page number, size, and sorting.
  • postService.findAll(pageRequest): Fetches the paginated and sorted list of posts.
  • createPageRange: Generates a list of page numbers based on the total pages.
  • generatePaginationLinks: Creates HTML links for each page, marking the current page as active.
  • Model Attributes:
    • links: Contains HTML snippets for pagination links.
    • postsOnPage: Holds the list of posts for the current page.

Integrating Sorting with Pagination

Combining sorting with pagination enhances data retrieval by allowing users to view data subsets in a preferred order. This integration involves parsing sort parameters and applying them during data retrieval.

Parsing and Applying Sort Parameters

To implement sorting, we modify the controller to accept a soughtBy parameter, determining the field based on which data is sorted.


  • soughtBy Parameter: Determines the field used for sorting (e.g., createdAt, title, etc.).
  • Sort.by(soughtBy).ascending(): Applies ascending order sorting based on the specified field.

Handling Optional Parameters

The soughtBy parameter is optional. If not provided, it defaults to createdAt, ensuring that data is always sorted based on a predefined field.


  • required = false: Makes the parameter optional.
  • defaultValue = “createdAt”: Sets a default sorting field if soughtBy is not provided.

Dynamic generation of pagination links allows users to navigate through different pages seamlessly. This section covers creating these links based on the current pagination state.

Creating Dynamic Links

Pagination links are generated based on the total number of pages and the current page. Each link directs to the corresponding page with the applied sorting and pagination parameters.


  • Loop Through Pages: Iterates over each page number.
  • Active Class: Adds the active class to the current page link for visual distinction.
  • URL Construction: Builds the URL with query parameters for perPage, page, and soughtBy.
  • HTML Link: Creates an HTML snippet for each pagination link.

Handling Active States

Highlighting the active page enhances user navigation by indicating the current page context.


  • Condition: Checks if the loop’s current link corresponds to the active page.
  • Active Class: Assigns the active class to style the current page link differently.

Enhancing the View with Bootstrap

Integrating Bootstrap into the frontend ensures that the pagination interface is responsive and visually appealing. This section outlines incorporating Bootstrap’s pagination components into the view.

Incorporating Bootstrap Pagination

Bootstrap provides predefined classes that can be utilized to style pagination links effectively.


  • Navigation Element (<nav>): Defines the pagination area’s semantic structure.
  • Unordered List (<ul>): Utilizes Bootstrap’s pagination class for styling.
  • Spring Thymeleaf Integration:
    • th:if: Checks if pagination links exist.
    • th:each: Iterates over each link in the links model attribute.
    • th:utext: Inserts unescaped HTML for each link, preserving the HTML structure.

Styling Active Links

Using Bootstrap’s classes, the active pagination link is visually distinguished to indicate the current page.


  • page-item active: Combines Bootstrap’s pagination item class with the active class for highlighting.
  • page-link: Styles the link according to Bootstrap’s pagination link styles.


Implementing pagination and sorting in a Spring Boot application significantly enhances data management and user experience. By configuring request parameters, adjusting controller logic, and integrating Bootstrap for frontend presentation, developers can efficiently handle large datasets and provide intuitive navigation for users.

Key Takeaways

  • Pagination optimizes data loading and improves performance by dividing content into manageable pages.
  • Sorting organizes data based on specified criteria, aiding in accessibility and analysis.
  • Spring Boot’s PageRequest and Sort classes facilitate seamless integration of pagination and sorting.
  • Dynamic generation of pagination links, combined with Bootstrap’s styling, results in a responsive and user-friendly interface.

Future Enhancements

  • Dynamic Sorting: Allowing users to toggle between ascending and descending order.
  • Filter Integration: Combining pagination and sorting with data filtering for more refined data retrieval.
  • Asynchronous Loading: Implementing AJAX for smoother navigation without full page reloads.

SEO Optimized Keywords: Spring Boot pagination, Spring Boot sorting, pagination in Spring Boot, sorting in Spring Boot, Spring Boot PageRequest, Spring Boot Sort, Bootstrap pagination, Java Spring Boot tutorials, implementing pagination Spring Boot, data sorting Spring Boot, enhancing user experience Spring Boot, Spring Boot controller pagination, dynamic pagination links Spring Boot

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