S06L22 – Polymorphism in Java continues

Understanding Polymorphism in Java

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Polymorphism in Java
    • What is Polymorphism?
    • Types of Polymorphism
    • Polymorphism in Action: Java Code
  • Code Walkthrough
    • The Main Class
    • Implementing Phone Classes
  • Conclusion
  • SEO Keywords


Polymorphism is one of the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Derived from Greek, the word means “many shapes” and refers to the ability of objects to take on many forms. In Java, this powerful concept allows us to use a single interface or class to represent different types, enhancing flexibility and reusability in our code. Polymorphism reduces complexity by promoting simplicity and abstraction in object-oriented systems.

Pros of Polymorphism:

  • Increased flexibility and modularity.
  • Simplified code maintenance.
  • Enhanced reusability through generalized programming.


  • May increase difficulty in understanding complex hierarchies.
  • Can lead to runtime errors if not managed properly.
Advantages Disadvantages
Flexibility Can be confusing with complex class hierarchies
Reusability Potential for runtime errors

2. Understanding Polymorphism in Java

2.1 What is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism allows a single action to be performed in multiple ways. In Java, polymorphism is classified into two types:

  • Compile-time Polymorphism (Method Overloading): Method signatures differ based on parameters.
  • Run-time Polymorphism (Method Overriding): Method functionality varies based on the object calling it, even if the method signature is the same.

2.2 Types of Polymorphism

1. Compile-time Polymorphism

Occurs when a method is overloaded. Java decides which method to invoke at compile time based on method signatures. This is an example of static binding.

2. Run-time Polymorphism

Run-time polymorphism in Java happens when a child class overrides a method in the parent class, and the appropriate method is called at runtime depending on the object type. This is also called dynamic binding.

2.3 Polymorphism in Action: Java Code

Let’s look at some practical examples. Below is a Java project that demonstrates run-time polymorphism, using a hierarchy of classes representing phones.

3. Code Walkthrough

3.1 The Main Class

Here’s the Main.java file:


In the Main class, we declare a reference of type Phone. At runtime, this reference is reassigned to different phone types (Nokia3310 and Iphone), demonstrating polymorphism. Despite having the same method call (feature()), the method’s behavior changes depending on the object it’s referencing.

3.2 Implementing Phone Classes

Next, let’s see the implementation of the phone classes:

1. Phone.java

2. Nokia3310.java

3. Iphone.java


Each class (Nokia3310 and Iphone) extends the base class Phone. Both override the feature() method to provide their specific implementations. This is an example of run-time polymorphism, where the method invoked depends on the actual object type at runtime.


Key Concept:

Polymorphism enables a single interface (Phone in this case) to be used for different forms (Nokia3310 and Iphone), allowing a uniform method call (feature()) but different outcomes based on the object instance.

4. Conclusion

Polymorphism is an essential part of OOP and provides the ability to interact with objects in a flexible and dynamic way. By understanding compile-time and run-time polymorphism, developers can write clean, reusable, and extensible code. In this example, we demonstrated how to use inheritance and method overriding to achieve run-time polymorphism, making our code more adaptable to future changes.


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