S02L06 – Local server, CORS and Proxy

Understanding Local Servers, CORS, and Proxy: A Beginner’s Guide

Table of Contents


Web applications often consist of a frontend (user interface) and a backend (server-side logic). However, challenges like cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and the need for proxies during development are common. This guide unpacks these concepts with practical examples using Spring Boot for the backend and React for the frontend.

Understanding Local Servers

A local server is a testing environment on your system. It hosts your application during development, mimicking real-world deployment.

Key Benefits
Rapid testing and debugging
No need for internet connectivity
Easy environment setup

Exploring CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

What is CORS?

CORS is a security mechanism implemented in browsers to restrict web applications from accessing resources from a different domain.

Why is CORS Important?

When your frontend (e.g., localhost:3000) interacts with the backend (localhost:8080), the browser blocks such requests by default, citing a security violation. This is where CORS comes into play.

Configuring CORS in the Backend

Using Proxies for Seamless Development

A proxy acts as an intermediary, redirecting requests from the frontend to the backend. It simplifies communication without changing the original application.

Setting Up a Proxy in React

Hands-on Implementation

Backend Implementation (Spring Boot)

Frontend Integration (React)

Expected Output

When running the application:

  • Backend (localhost:8080/api/albums) provides album data.
  • Frontend (localhost:3000) displays the albums in a list format.


In this guide, we explored:

  • Local servers: Essential for development.
  • CORS: Managing cross-origin issues for secure communication.
  • Proxies: Simplifying frontend-backend interactions.
  • Hands-on Example: Using Spring Boot and React.

By understanding and implementing these concepts, developers can build robust web applications with seamless frontend-backend communication.

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