S03L04 – Java beans with forms

Working with Java Beans and Web Forms: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Java Beans with Forms
    • What is a Java Bean?
    • Java Bean Properties
  • Implementing Java Beans with Web Forms
    • Creating a User Bean
    • JSP Form for User Input
    • Processing Form Data
  • Conclusion


In this article, we explore how Java Beans can be effectively used with web forms. Java Beans offer a reusable component architecture in Java, making it easier to manipulate data across different layers of a web application. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to create a Java Bean, integrate it with a form, and handle form data in a structured way.

We will focus on a simple web application where a user submits data through a form, and this data is processed using a Java Bean. This method enhances code modularity and ensures data encapsulation.

Understanding Java Beans with Forms

What is a Java Bean?

A Java Bean is a reusable software component in Java, primarily used to encapsulate data. It provides getter and setter methods to interact with its properties. Java Beans follow a specific convention:

  • Must be serializable.
  • Must have a public no-argument constructor.
  • Properties of the bean should be accessible via getter and setter methods.

Java Beans are widely used in JSP and servlet-based web applications for handling form data.

Java Bean Properties

A Java Bean typically includes private fields for data, public getter and setter methods, and a constructor to initialize its state. Let’s look at an example of a simple User bean:

In this example, the User class is a Java Bean that holds two properties: firstName and lastName. These properties are accessed through getter and setter methods, adhering to the Java Bean standard.

Implementing Java Beans with Web Forms

In this section, we will demonstrate how to integrate Java Beans with web forms using JSP. The process involves:

  • Creating the User Java Bean.
  • Developing JSP pages for capturing and displaying user input.

Creating a User Bean

The User bean is created as shown above. It includes two fields, firstName and lastName, which will be used to store user input from a form.

JSP Form for User Input

We will now create a form in form.jsp that allows users to input their first and last names.

First Name:
Last Name:


This JSP form captures user input and sends it to another JSP page (form.value.jsp) for processing.

Processing Form Data

The form data is processed by the form.value.jsp page, where we bind the user input to the User Java Bean.

Submitted Details:

First Name: <%= user.getFirstName() %>
Last Name: <%= user.getLastName() %>

Here, the useBean tag creates an instance of the User bean, and the setProperty tag automatically sets the bean properties with form data. The form values are displayed on the same page using getFirstName() and getLastName().


In this guide, we demonstrated how Java Beans can be integrated with JSP forms to handle user input in a structured and modular manner. Java Beans provide a clean way to manage data, ensuring proper encapsulation and reusability across different parts of the application.