S03L02 – Adding Models in Spring Boot

Adding Models in Spring Boot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are Models in Spring Boot?
  3. Creating a Model in Spring Boot
  4. Detailed Example of the Post Model
  5. Conclusion


In Spring Boot applications, models play a vital role in connecting the code to the database. Models represent the structure of the data in a way that the application can interact with, making it easier to perform CRUD operations. This article will guide you through creating and using models in Spring Boot, focusing on the best practices for beginners.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • What models are.
  • How to create models using Spring Boot.
  • Detailed explanations and examples based on the provided code.

What are Models in Spring Boot?

Models in Spring Boot are class-level representations of database tables. They define the structure of the data you want to store in a database, using Java classes annotated with JPA (Java Persistence API) annotations to map the fields in the class to the columns in the table.

Advantages of Using Models:

  • Simplified Database Interaction: Models abstract the database layer, allowing developers to interact with Java objects rather than raw database queries.
  • Data Validation: Using annotations, you can enforce validation constraints at the model level.
  • Code Reusability: Models can be reused across multiple parts of the application, ensuring consistency in data handling.

When to Use Models

Models should be used when you need to persist data in a database. They are essential for applications that involve any form of data storage, manipulation, or retrieval.

Aspect Description
Ease of Use Simplifies data handling by mapping Java objects to DB.
Validation Allows adding validation rules via annotations.
Integration Works seamlessly with Spring Data JPA and Hibernate.

Creating a Model in Spring Boot

To create a model in Spring Boot, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a class in the models package.
  2. Annotate the class with @Entity to mark it as a JPA entity.
  3. Define fields that represent the columns of the database.
  4. Use annotations like @Id, @GeneratedValue, and @Column to specify the properties of each field.

Detailed Example of the Post Model

Let’s dive into the code of the Post model found in the project.

Detailed Explanation of the Post Model

  • Entity Annotation: @Entity is used to define the class as a JPA entity, meaning this class will be mapped to a database table.
  • Primary Key: The @Id annotation denotes that the field id is the primary key. The @GeneratedValue annotation specifies that the value for this field will be automatically generated.
  • Columns: Each field in the class represents a column in the database. For example, title and body are fields representing the post’s title and content. The @Column(columnDefinition = “TEXT”) ensures that the body field is stored as a text type in the database.
  • Default Values: The createdAt field is automatically set to the current date and time using LocalDateTime.now().

Code Explanation:

  1. The class Post represents a blog post, with fields for id, title, body, and createdAt.
  2. The @Entity annotation indicates that this class is a database table.
  3. The @Id and @GeneratedValue annotations are used to define the primary key for the table, which will be generated automatically.
  4. The @Column(columnDefinition = “TEXT”) ensures that the body field is stored as a text field in the database.
  5. The LocalDateTime is used to capture the timestamp when a post is created.


In Spring Boot, models are essential for interacting with the database in a structured way. They allow developers to work with Java objects instead of raw SQL queries, making development more efficient. By following the JPA annotations, you can easily create models that map to database tables, as we saw in the example of the Post model.

By understanding how to define models, you’ll be better equipped to handle data persistence in Spring Boot applications. Keep practicing with various models to get a deeper grasp of Spring Boot’s powerful data-handling capabilities.