S01L06 – Idempotence of HTTP Methods

Understanding Idempotence of HTTP Methods

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Idempotence?
  3. Idempotence and HTTP Methods
  4. Idempotent vs. Non-Idempotent Methods
  5. Conclusion


Idempotence is a key concept in web development, especially when dealing with HTTP methods. Understanding idempotence is crucial for building reliable, consistent RESTful APIs. In this article, we will explore the importance of idempotence, focusing on how it applies to HTTP methods such as GET, DELETE, PUT, and POST.

1. What is Idempotence?

In the context of HTTP, idempotence refers to an operation that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application. This property is essential for ensuring that repeated requests, often caused by network errors or user retries, do not result in unintended side effects.

For example:

  • A GET request that retrieves data from a resource should always return the same result, regardless of how many times it is called.
  • A DELETE request, which removes a resource, is idempotent because calling it multiple times has the same effect (the resource remains deleted).

Why Idempotence Matters:

  • Reliability: Idempotent operations ensure that a request can be repeated without causing unintended changes.
  • Safety: Helps prevent duplicate operations when errors occur during communication between the client and server.

2. Idempotence and HTTP Methods

HTTP methods are designed with specific use cases in mind. Some methods, like GET and DELETE, are idempotent by nature, while others, like POST, are not.

Key Differences Between HTTP Methods:

HTTP Method Action Safe Idempotent
GET Retrieve data Yes Yes
DELETE Remove resource No Yes
PUT Update resource No Yes
POST Create resource No No

Example of Idempotent Methods:

  • GET /cars/125: Fetches the car with ID 125, and no matter how many times it is called, the result will be the same.
  • DELETE /cars/125: Deletes the car with ID 125. Calling this multiple times will not affect the outcome after the first successful deletion.

3. Idempotent vs. Non-Idempotent Methods

While most methods can be idempotent, POST is a notable exception. POST requests are used to create resources, which means that each call typically results in a new resource being created.


  • POST /cars/: Creates a new car resource. Multiple requests will result in multiple cars being created, meaning the operation is non-idempotent.
  • PUT /cars/125: Updates the car with ID 125. Even if this request is called repeatedly, the car’s information will be updated to the same value, making PUT idempotent.

4. Conclusion

Understanding the idempotence of HTTP methods is critical in designing robust and reliable APIs. GET, DELETE, and PUT are idempotent and safe for repeated use, while POST is non-idempotent and should be used cautiously for resource creation.