S12L15 – Concurrency control in Java with Joins

Concurrency Control in Java with the Join Method

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Concurrency in Java?
  3. The Role of the join() Method in Multithreading
  4. Example: Using the Join Method to Synchronize Threads
  5. Code Walkthrough
  6. Conclusion


Concurrency is a fundamental aspect of modern Java applications, where multiple threads are executed simultaneously to maximize efficiency. However, managing the execution flow between threads can be challenging. One way to ensure proper synchronization between threads is by using the join() method in Java.

In this article, we will dive into how the join() method works, explore its significance in multithreaded applications, and walk through an example that highlights its usage.

What is Concurrency in Java?

Concurrency allows a Java program to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. By leveraging threads, we can make the program more responsive and efficient. However, with concurrency, it’s important to ensure that threads interact correctly, especially when they share data or depend on each other’s results.

The Role of the join() Method in Multithreading

The join() method is a part of the Thread class in Java, and its primary function is to pause the execution of the current thread until another thread finishes its execution. This ensures that one thread waits for another thread to complete before continuing, which is essential for maintaining a predictable order of operations when working with multiple threads.

Benefits of Using join():

  • Ensures proper sequencing of thread execution.
  • Prevents data inconsistencies caused by thread execution order.
  • Simplifies thread management in concurrent environments.

When to Use join()?

The join() method is useful in scenarios where:

  • A thread needs to wait for another thread to finish before proceeding.
  • You want to prevent race conditions in concurrent applications.
  • You need a predictable order of execution between multiple threads.

Example: Using the Join Method to Synchronize Threads

Consider the following example where we use the join() method to ensure that a thread completes its task before another thread prints the final result:

Code Walkthrough

In this code, we aim to increment the value of a shared variable counter1 using a separate thread. The join() method ensures that the main thread waits for the completion of thread1 before printing the value of counter1.

Key Points:

  • Thread Creation: We create a new thread (thread1) to handle the incrementing operation of counter1.
  • thread1.join(): This line is crucial because it pauses the main thread until thread1 finishes its task. Without this, the main thread might print the value of counter1 before thread1 completes its operation.
  • Output: After thread1 completes, the final value of counter1 is printed, ensuring the correct output.



The join() method is a powerful tool for synchronizing thread execution in Java. By ensuring that one thread waits for another to complete, we can maintain control over the order in which tasks are executed, reducing the risk of race conditions and ensuring data consistency.

In summary, the key takeaways are:

  • The join() method ensures proper thread synchronization.
  • It is used to prevent premature thread termination and incorrect output.
  • In the provided example, join() guarantees that the main thread waits for the child thread to finish before printing the result.