S12L14 – Interrupt in Java multithreading

Interrupt in Java Multithreading

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Interrupt in Java Multithreading
  • Code Walkthrough
  • Key Takeaways
  • Conclusion


In multithreading, the concept of interrupting a thread is essential for controlling and handling threads in Java. A thread can be interrupted when it is running or waiting for a resource. The interrupt() method is used to signal a thread that it should stop its current task, giving developers more control over thread execution.

This article will cover how thread interruption works in Java, the situations in which it is useful, and provide an example with Java code. We will also explore common pitfalls and how to handle interruptions effectively.

Interrupt in Java Multithreading

What is Interrupt in Java?

In Java, the interrupt() method is used to interrupt a thread. This is a signal to a thread indicating that it should pause or terminate its execution. It does not stop the thread immediately but sets an internal flag, which can be checked by the thread using methods like isInterrupted() or by catching an InterruptedException.

When to Use Interrupt?

– To signal a thread to stop executing a task gracefully.
– To manage blocking operations like wait(), sleep(), or join().
– For long-running threads that need to respond to external events.

Comparison Table

Use Case Purpose
Interrupt a waiting thread Avoid blocking indefinitely.
Graceful shutdown of threads Allow threads to clean up before exiting.
Stop long-running processes When no longer needed, interrupt the process.

Code Walkthrough

Here’s an example of interrupt handling in Java. This code demonstrates how a withdrawal operation can be interrupted if there is insufficient balance in the bank account. A second thread deposits money, but if the deposit is insufficient, it interrupts the withdrawal thread.

Code Breakdown

1. Withdraw Method:
The method withdraw() waits if the balance is insufficient, using wait() to pause the thread. If the balance is updated, it proceeds with the withdrawal. If the thread is interrupted during the wait, it handles the InterruptedException and exits gracefully.

2. Deposit Method:
The method deposit() deposits the specified amount and notifies the waiting withdrawal thread using notify(). If the deposit amount is invalid (negative or zero), it prints an error message and interrupts the withdrawal thread.

3. Main Class:
The main() method creates two threads. The first thread attempts to withdraw $1000, but since the balance is 0, it waits. The second thread deposits $500 after a delay. If the deposit is insufficient, the withdrawal thread is interrupted.


Key Takeaways

  • Thread Interruption is a way to signal threads to stop or pause their current task, which is useful for managing long-running processes and blocking operations.
  • Using InterruptedException allows the program to handle interruptions gracefully, ensuring that resources are cleaned up properly.
  • The interrupt() method does not forcefully terminate the thread but sets a flag, which can be checked or handled appropriately within the thread.


The ability to interrupt threads in Java is an essential feature for controlling thread execution in multithreading environments. It helps avoid long waits or infinite blocking and allows threads to handle interruptions gracefully. Understanding how to effectively use the interrupt() method and manage exceptions is key to writing robust multithreaded applications.

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