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Python packages
User defined packages
Lambda once again
About Project files
Project files/Notebooks for the section 6
The project file for this section is now available as a material resource. Make sure to download it and follow along with the lessons.
args and kwargs
Maps, Filters and Lambdas
User-defined functions
Help function
Input and import
Discussion forum
Project files/Notebooks for the section 5
The project file for this section is now available as a material resource. Make sure to download it and follow along with the lessons.
Range, enumerate and zip
For loop
Tuple unpacking
Break, continue and pass
If ElIf & else
While loop
Logical operators
Connect on LinkedIn, “It’s good!”
Project files/Notebooks for the section 4
The project file for this section is now available as a material resource. Make sure to download it and follow along with the lessons.