Archives Topics
Bayes theorem
Likelihood vs probability
Logistic regression on multi-class classification under python
Project files/Notebooks for the section 35
The project file for this section is now available as a material resource. Make sure to download it and follow along with the lessons.
Logistic regression under python
Logistic regression on multi-class classification
Why Logistic regression
Logistic regression background
Project files/Notebooks for the section 34
The project file for this section is now available as a material resource. Make sure to download it and follow along with the lessons.
LabelEncoding classes
KNN on multi class classification
KNN in python
Visualization and few more things
Project files/Notebooks for the section 33
The project file for this section is now available as a material resource. Make sure to download it and follow along with the lessons.
KNN background
Feature selection
Short discussion
Pre-processing re-visited
Pre-processing re-visited continues
Curse of dimensionality
Project files/Notebooks for the section 32
The project file for this section is now available as a material resource. Make sure to download it and follow along with the lessons.