S04L04 – Build files upload api, Spring Boot

Building a Robust File Upload API with Spring Boot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Spring Boot Project
  3. Designing the AlbumController
  4. Implementing the Upload Photo Endpoint
  5. Handling Multipart File Uploads
  6. Configuring Swagger for API Documentation
  7. Managing File Storage and Size Limits
  8. Conclusion


In the modern web landscape, the ability to upload and manage files is a fundamental feature for many applications. Whether it’s for photo galleries, document storage, or media sharing platforms, a robust file upload API is essential. This eBook delves into building a comprehensive File Upload API using Spring Boot, tailored for beginners and developers with basic knowledge.

Importance and Purpose

File upload functionalities enhance user experience by allowing seamless file management. Implementing this feature securely and efficiently ensures data integrity and application reliability.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Enhances user interaction Potential security vulnerabilities
Facilitates data management Requires careful handling of large files
Scalable with proper architecture Increased server load

When and Where to Use

  • Photo Galleries: Managing user-uploaded images.
  • Document Management Systems: Handling PDFs, Word documents, etc.
  • Media Sharing Platforms: Allowing users to upload videos and audio files.

Setting Up the Spring Boot Project

Before diving into the API implementation, setting up the Spring Boot project is crucial. Spring Boot offers a streamlined approach to building Java applications with minimal configuration.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher
  • Maven or Gradle Build Tool
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA or VS Code

Creating a New Spring Boot Project

  1. Using Spring Initializr:
    • Navigate to Spring Initializr.
    • Select the following:
      • Project: Maven Project
      • Language: Java
      • Spring Boot: 2.7.x or higher
      • Dependencies: Spring Web, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Lombok, Swagger
    • Click on Generate to download the project zip.
  2. Importing into IDE:
    • Extract the downloaded zip.
    • Open your IDE and import the project as a Maven project.

Project Structure Overview

Designing the AlbumController

The AlbumController is pivotal for handling album-related operations, including uploading photos.

Creating the Controller

Key Components

  • @RestController: Marks the class as a controller where every method returns a domain object instead of a view.
  • @RequestMapping(“/api/v1/albums”): Base URI for all album-related endpoints.
  • @PostMapping(“/photos”): Endpoint for uploading photos.

Implementing the Upload Photo Endpoint

The uploadPhotos method facilitates the uploading of multiple photos to an album.

Method Breakdown

  1. Request Parameter:
    • @RequestParam(“files”) MultipartFile[] files: Accepts multiple files from the client.
  2. Service Layer Invocation:
    • Delegates the file saving process to the AlbumService.
  3. Response:
    • Returns a list of saved file names as confirmation.

Sample Implementation

Handling Multipart File Uploads

Multipart file uploads enable the transfer of files alongside form data. Spring Boot provides comprehensive support for handling multipart uploads.

Configuring Multipart Settings

In application.properties, configure the maximum file size and request size.

Service Layer Implementation


  • Loop Through Files: Iterates over each uploaded file.
  • Save Files: Handles the actual saving of files to a desired location.
  • Collect File Names: Gathers the names of successfully saved files for response.

Configuring Swagger for API Documentation

Swagger provides interactive API documentation, enhancing developer experience and ease of testing.

Adding Swagger Dependencies

Ensure Swagger dependencies are included in pom.xml.

Swagger Configuration

Accessing Swagger UI

Once the application is running, navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html to view and interact with the API documentation.

Managing File Storage and Size Limits

Effective file storage management ensures the application can handle uploads without performance degradation.

Setting Maximum File Size

As previously configured in application.properties:

Handling Storage Location

Decide where to store uploaded files:

  • Local File System: Suitable for smaller applications or development environments.
  • Cloud Storage Services: Recommended for scalability and reliability (e.g., AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage).

Updating Service Layer for Storage

Security Considerations

  • File Validation: Ensure uploaded files are of allowed types and sizes.
  • Storage Permissions: Restrict access to storage directories to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Virus Scanning: Implement scanning of uploaded files to prevent malware uploads.


Building a File Upload API with Spring Boot involves several critical steps, from setting up the project to handling multipart uploads and ensuring secure file storage. By following best practices and leveraging Spring Boot’s robust features, developers can create scalable and secure file upload functionalities tailored to their application’s needs.

Key Takeaways

  • API Design: Avoid redundancy by structuring clear and concise endpoints.
  • Multipart Handling: Properly configure multipart settings to handle file uploads efficiently.
  • Documentation: Utilize Swagger for interactive and comprehensive API documentation.
  • Security: Implement necessary validations and security measures to protect against potential vulnerabilities.

SEO Optimized Keywords: Spring Boot file upload API, Spring Rest Controller, multipart file handling, Swagger API documentation, secure file storage, Spring Boot project setup, upload photos Spring Boot, handling multiple file uploads, Spring Boot security configuration, API endpoint design.

Note: This article is AI generated.

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