S02L04 – Spring Boot OAuth2 JWT token generator

Mastering Spring Boot OAuth2 JWT Token Generation: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding OAuth2 and JWT
  3. Securing a Spring Boot Application
  4. Implementing JWT Token Generation
  5. Configuring the Authentication Manager
  6. Creating the AuthController
  7. TokenService Explained
  8. Conclusion


In today’s digital landscape, securing web applications is paramount. With the rise of microservices and distributed systems, ensuring secure communication between services has become increasingly complex. This eBook delves into Spring Boot OAuth2 JWT Token Generation, providing a comprehensive guide for beginners and developers with basic knowledge to implement robust security mechanisms in their applications.

Why OAuth2 and JWT?

OAuth2 is a widely adopted authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service. When combined with JSON Web Tokens (JWT), it offers a seamless way to authenticate and authorize users efficiently.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Scalable Security: Suitable for large-scale applications. Complex Configuration: Initial setup can be intricate.
Stateless Authentication: Enhances performance by eliminating server-side sessions. Token Management: Requires careful handling of token storage and renewal.
Interoperability: Works well across different platforms and services. Token Size: JWTs can be relatively large, impacting network performance.

When and Where to Use OAuth2 with JWT

  • Microservices Architectures: Facilitates secure communication between services.
  • Single Page Applications (SPAs): Provides stateless authentication mechanisms.
  • APIs Development: Ensures secure access to API endpoints.

Understanding OAuth2 and JWT

Before diving into the implementation, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of OAuth2 and JWT.

OAuth2 Overview

OAuth2 is an authorization framework that allows applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account.

JWT Overview

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are compact, URL-safe tokens that represent claims between two parties. They consist of three parts:

  1. Header: Contains the type of token and the hashing algorithm used.
  2. Payload: Contains the claims or the data.
  3. Signature: Ensures the token’s integrity.

Securing a Spring Boot Application

Securing your Spring Boot application involves setting up authentication and authorization mechanisms. Here’s how to secure a test API using OAuth2 and JWT.

Adding Security Requirements

To secure an API endpoint, you can add a security requirement annotation. For example:

This annotation utilizes the predefined security scheme named “SteadyEasy-Demo-API,” which is based on the Bearer token type using HTTP for authentication.

Incorporating Tags in REST API

Tags help categorize and describe specific APIs, enhancing readability and organization. For instance:

Implementing JWT Token Generation

JWT token generation is a critical aspect of securing your application. It involves creating tokens that clients can use to authenticate subsequent requests.

Creating the Authentication Manager

The Authentication Manager is responsible for handling authentication processes. Here’s how to set it up:


  • AuthenticationConfiguration: Configures authentication settings.
  • AuthenticationManager: Manages authentication requests.

Configuring the Authentication Manager

Proper configuration ensures that authentication flows smoothly within your application.

Step-by-Step Configuration

  1. Define Bean for Authentication Manager:
  2. Override Default Mechanism:
    Customize the default authentication mechanism provided by Spring Boot to suit your application’s needs.


Misconfigurations can lead to authentication failures or security vulnerabilities. It’s essential to understand the authentication flow to ensure robust security.

Creating the AuthController

The AuthController handles authentication-related requests, such as generating JWT tokens upon successful login.

Implementing AuthController


  • @RestController: Indicates that this class handles REST API requests.
  • @PostMapping(“/token”): Maps POST requests to the /token endpoint.
  • AuthenticationManager: Authenticates the provided credentials.
  • TokenService: Generates the JWT token upon successful authentication.

TokenService Explained

The TokenService is responsible for generating JWT tokens. It encapsulates the logic required to create and manage tokens.

Implementing TokenService

Step-by-Step Breakdown

  1. Dependencies Injection:
    • JWTEncoder: Encodes the JWT claims into a token.
  2. generateToken Method:
    • Instant.now(): Captures the current time.
    • Scope Extraction:
      • Retrieves authorities (roles) from the authentication object.
      • Maps and joins them into a single string separated by spaces.
    • JWTClaimsSet Construction:
      • issuer: Identifies the token issuer.
      • issuedAt: Timestamp of token creation.
      • expirationTime: Token validity period (e.g., 1 hour).
      • subject: The authenticated user’s username.
      • scope: User roles/authorities.
    • Token Encoding:
      • Encodes the claims into a JWT token using the provided encoder.
      • Returns the token value.

Comments in Code

Program Output

Upon successful authentication, the AuthController will return a JWT token. An example output:

This token can be used in the Authorization header for subsequent API requests to access protected resources.


This guide provided a detailed walkthrough of securing a Spring Boot application using OAuth2 and JWT. From understanding the basics to implementing JWT token generation, each step ensures that your application adheres to modern security standards.

Key Takeaways:

  • OAuth2 provides a robust framework for authorization.
  • JWT tokens facilitate stateless and scalable authentication.
  • Proper configuration and understanding of Spring Boot’s security components are essential.
  • Commented code enhances readability and maintainability.

By following this guide, developers can implement secure authentication mechanisms, ensuring their applications are both safe and efficient.

Note: This article is AI generated.

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