S02L02 – Spring Boot REST Api, getting started with security

**Note:** This article is AI generated.

4. Finalize Setup:
– Save the pom.xml file.
– Format the project if required using your IDE’s formatting tools.
– Stop and restart the web server to apply changes.

Configuring Security Settings

SEO-Optimized Title:

“Configuring Spring Security Settings for Your Spring Boot REST API”

Creating Security Configuration Class

1. Create a Security Package:
– In your project’s src/main/java directory, create a package named security.

2. Add SecurityConfig.java:
– Inside the security package, create a new class named SecurityConfig.java.

@Configuration: Marks the class as a configuration class.
@EnableWebSecurity: Enables Spring Security’s web security support.
Method configure:
– Permits access to home and Swagger URLs.
– Secures all other endpoints.
– Configures OAuth2 as the resource server using JWT.

3. Handle Dependency Issues:
– Organize imports to resolve any dependency-related issues.
– Ensure all necessary packages are correctly imported.

Setting Up Swagger Documentation

SEO-Optimized Title:

“Setting Up Swagger Documentation in Spring Boot REST APIs with Spring Security”

Importance of Swagger

Swagger provides a user-friendly interface for API documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and interact with your REST APIs.

Configuring Swagger

1. Create Configuration Class:
– In the config package, create a new class named SwaggerConfig.java.

Bean Registration:
– Registers an OpenAPI bean with customized information.
Info Object:
– Provides metadata about the API such as title, version, description, contact, and license.

2. Enable JWT in Swagger:
– To enable the Authorize button in Swagger UI, add the following annotation in your main application class or a configuration class.

– Defines a security scheme named bearerAuth using JWT.
– Links the security scheme to the API documentation.

3. Refresh and Verify:
– Restart the application.
– Navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html to view the updated Swagger UI with the Authorize button.

Implementing In-Memory User Management

SEO-Optimized Title:

“Implementing In-Memory User Management in Spring Boot REST APIs for Testing”

Purpose of In-Memory Users

In-memory user management allows developers to create temporary users for testing API endpoints without setting up a persistent database.

Steps to Implement In-Memory Users

1. Update SecurityConfig.java:

userDetailsService Bean:
– Creates an in-memory user with:
Username: chand
Password: password
Role: READ
– Utilizes InMemoryUserDetailsManager for managing users.

2. Testing the Configuration:
– Restart the application.
– Access the Swagger UI and verify the Authorize button is available.
– Use the in-memory credentials (chand / password) to authenticate and test secured endpoints.

Enhancing API Security

SEO-Optimized Title:

“Enhancing Spring Boot REST API Security with JWT and Swagger Integration”

Implementing JWT for Secure Authentication

1. Define Security Scheme:
– As previously mentioned, ensure the SecurityScheme annotation is set to use bearerAuth with JWT.

2. Update API Endpoints:
– Secure specific API endpoints by requiring authentication.

3. Generate and Validate JWT Tokens:
– Implement functionality to generate JWT tokens upon user authentication.
– Configure JWT validation in SecurityConfig.java.

4. Step-by-Step Code Explanation:

Password Encoding:
– Uses BCryptPasswordEncoder to encode user passwords.
User Details Service:
– Defines an in-memory user with an encoded password.

5. Running and Testing the Application:
– Stop and restart the web server to apply changes.
– Navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
– Use the Authorize button to input the JWT token.
– Test the secured API endpoints to ensure they return the expected responses.


Securing your Spring Boot REST APIs is critical in today’s web development environment. By integrating Spring Security, configuring OAuth2 dependencies, setting up Swagger for documentation, and implementing in-memory user management, you establish a robust security foundation. This ensures that your APIs are not only secure but also well-documented and easy to interact with for developers.

Key Takeaways:
– Proper integration of Spring Security is essential for API protection.
– Configuring OAuth2 and JWT enhances authentication and authorization mechanisms.
– Swagger aids in clear and interactive API documentation.
– In-memory user management facilitates efficient testing during development.

SEO Keywords: Spring Security, Spring Boot REST API, OAuth2, JWT, Swagger, API Documentation, In-Memory User Management, Spring Initializer, Spring Configuration Processor, API Security, Developer Guide, Secure APIs, Java Spring, RESTful Services

Supplementary Information

Differences Between OAuth2 and JWT

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