S13L03 – Comparator using Lambda expression

Comparator Interface with Lambda Expressions in Java

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Comparator and Lambda Expressions
  3. How to Implement Comparator with Lambda
    • Overview of the Code
    • Step-by-Step Code Explanation
  4. Key Advantages of Using Lambda Expressions
  5. Conclusion


In modern Java development, Lambda expressions provide a concise way to express behavior or functionality. When combined with interfaces like Comparator, they offer a powerful tool for sorting and processing data. This article focuses on understanding how to use the Comparator interface with Lambda expressions effectively, as demonstrated in the provided project files.

We’ll delve into a step-by-step breakdown of a Java program that sorts a list of custom objects using a Lambda expression. Additionally, we’ll compare Lambda expressions with traditional anonymous classes, highlighting key differences and benefits.

Understanding Comparator and Lambda Expressions

The Comparator interface in Java is used to order the objects of a user-defined class. By default, it involves implementing a method to define how two objects should be compared. Lambda expressions simplify this process, enabling a more readable and concise way to implement such logic.

Traditional Approach

Before Java 8, we often used anonymous inner classes to implement the Comparator interface, which could lead to verbose code, especially in simple use cases.

Lambda Approach

Lambda expressions allow us to reduce boilerplate code by eliminating the need for a method signature or even curly braces, provided the logic fits in one line.

How to Implement Comparator with Lambda

Overview of the Code

The provided project implements a basic example of sorting a list of objects using Lambda expressions. It includes a class Data that holds a name property and a Main class where the sorting logic is implemented.

Step-by-Step Code Explanation

Code Breakdown:

List Creation: The program starts by creating a list of Data objects. Each object represents an individual with a unique name.

Lambda Expression in Collections.sort(): The Lambda expression (o1, o2) -> o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()) represents a comparator that compares two Data objects based on their names. This concise syntax replaces the need for writing a full anonymous class implementation.


Key Advantages of Using Lambda Expressions

  • Conciseness: Lambda expressions dramatically reduce the verbosity of code, making it easier to read and maintain.
  • Improved Readability: Lambda expressions are a natural fit for scenarios where a single method is implemented, such as in the Comparator interface. The absence of boilerplate code improves the overall clarity of the logic.
  • Performance: Lambda expressions can potentially enhance performance by enabling internal iteration and lazy evaluation, making them suitable for more complex data processing.


Lambda expressions provide a cleaner and more concise way to implement functional interfaces like Comparator in Java. By using them, developers can write less code while achieving the same functionality as traditional anonymous classes. In scenarios where sorting or comparing objects is necessary, Lambda expressions can be an efficient and elegant solution.

For beginners looking to grasp the power of functional programming in Java, starting with Lambda expressions in the Comparator interface is an excellent approach.

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