S12L19 – Blocking Queue in multithreading

Blocking Queue in Multithreading

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Blocking Queue Overview
  • Producer-Consumer Problem with BlockingQueue
  • Java Code Explanation
  • Conclusion


In the world of concurrent programming, dealing with thread synchronization and communication is crucial. One of the most common patterns used to solve these problems is the Producer-Consumer model. Java provides powerful tools such as BlockingQueue to handle producer-consumer scenarios efficiently. In this article, we will explore how the BlockingQueue works in a multithreading environment, focusing on ArrayBlockingQueue.

Importance of BlockingQueue

  • Prevents Overflow: Ensures that producers do not add more elements than the queue can handle.
  • Manages Thread Synchronization: Automatically handles wait and notify mechanisms between producers and consumers.
  • Simplifies Code: Reduces boilerplate code for managing inter-thread communication.
Feature BlockingQueue Standard Queue
Synchronization Built-in synchronization Manual synchronization
Blocking behavior Blocks producers/consumers No blocking
Performance overhead Higher due to locking mechanisms Lower

When to Use BlockingQueue

BlockingQueue is especially useful when you need to manage multiple producers and consumers in a multi-threaded environment, such as:

  • Logging systems where multiple threads generate logs.
  • Web servers where multiple requests are processed concurrently.

Blocking Queue Overview

A BlockingQueue in Java is a part of the java.util.concurrent package, designed to block the thread trying to enqueue an element when the queue is full or block the thread trying to dequeue when the queue is empty.

Types of BlockingQueue

  • ArrayBlockingQueue: Fixed-size queue that blocks if full or empty.
  • LinkedBlockingQueue: Optionally bounded queue that can expand dynamically.
  • PriorityBlockingQueue: An unbounded queue that uses priority ordering.

In this article, we are focusing on the ArrayBlockingQueue as used in the project file.

Producer-Consumer Problem with BlockingQueue

The Producer-Consumer problem is a classic multithreading example where producers generate data, and consumers process it. If producers are too fast, they may overload the consumers, and if consumers are too fast, they may run out of data. BlockingQueue helps by managing a buffer between producers and consumers.

In our example:

  • Producer: Continuously adds integers to the queue.
  • ArrayBlockingQueue: Stores up to 10 elements.
  • Main class: Initializes the queue and starts the producer thread.

Java Code Explanation

Let’s break down the code from the project file.

1. Producer Class


  • The Producer class implements Runnable, making it suitable for multithreading.
  • It takes an ArrayBlockingQueue as a parameter and continuously adds values to it using the put method, which blocks if the queue is full.
  • A Thread.sleep(1000) is used to simulate the time taken to produce an item.

2. Main Class


  • The Main class initializes an ArrayBlockingQueue with a capacity of 10.
  • It starts a new thread to execute the Producer class, which continuously adds integers to the queue.

Output of the Code


The BlockingQueue simplifies the process of managing multithreaded applications by providing built-in thread safety mechanisms. It helps solve the Producer-Consumer problem effectively by managing the synchronization between threads. In this example, we used the ArrayBlockingQueue, which blocks when full or empty, ensuring smooth operation between the producer and the consumer.