S11L07 – Deque in Java Collections

Java Deque and LinkedBlockingDeque

Table of Contents

Introduction to Deque in Java Collections

A Deque (Double Ended Queue) is a linear collection in Java that allows insertion and removal of elements from both ends. This flexibility makes it a versatile data structure for various applications such as implementing stacks and queues. This article will explain the concept of Deque, its operations, and demonstrate a practical implementation using LinkedBlockingDeque.

Importance of Deque in Java

Deque is part of the Java Collections Framework and is useful in situations where you need efficient access to both ends of a collection, for example, implementing a stack (LIFO) or a queue (FIFO).

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Supports insertion/removal at both ends Not suitable for purely ordered data
Efficient for both stack and queue use Slower than direct access collections
Allows null elements Thread-safety must be handled manually

When to Use Deque

  • Use Deque: When you need flexibility in insertion/removal from both ends.
  • Use LinkedBlockingDeque: When you require a thread-safe implementation and are using deque in concurrent applications.

Understanding Deque in Java

A Deque is an interface in Java that extends both the Queue and Collection interfaces. The key characteristic of a Deque is that it supports element insertion and removal at both ends of the queue. The Deque interface can be implemented in several classes, such as:

  • ArrayDeque
  • LinkedBlockingDeque
  • LinkedList

Key Features of Deque:

  • Insertion/Removal at Both Ends: You can add or remove elements from the front or the back of the collection.
  • No Fixed Size: Deques typically do not have a fixed capacity.
  • Can Be Used as Stack or Queue: Depending on how you manipulate elements, a Deque can behave as a stack or a queue.

When to Use a Deque:

  • When you need to implement a stack (LIFO) or a queue (FIFO) in one data structure.
  • When the order of processing items can be from both ends, such as task scheduling.

Working with LinkedBlockingDeque

LinkedBlockingDeque is a blocking deque that supports both FIFO (First-In-First-Out) and LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) operations. It is part of the java.util.concurrent package, which means it is thread-safe and suitable for use in concurrent applications. The internal structure is based on linked nodes, and the deque supports a dynamic number of elements.

Key Features of LinkedBlockingDeque:

  • Thread-Safe: Supports thread-safe operations.
  • Blocking Operations: Methods like offerFirst, offerLast, takeFirst, and takeLast can block the thread until the operation succeeds.
  • No Capacity Limit: By default, the deque does not impose a size limit, but you can set a capacity if needed.

Java Deque Code Example

Here is a practical example of how to use Deque and LinkedBlockingDeque in Java:


  1. Deque Initialization: We initialize a Deque using LinkedBlockingDeque<>.
  2. Adding Elements: The offer() method is used to add elements to the deque. The elements are added in FIFO order.
  3. Manipulating Elements: The addFirst(0) method adds an element to the front of the deque, while removeLast() removes the last element.
  4. Printing Deque: The System.out.println(deque) method displays the deque’s elements at different stages.


Initially, the deque contains the numbers 1 through 5. After adding 0 to the front and removing the last element, the deque contains [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].

Key Differences Between Queue and Deque

Feature Queue Deque
End Operations Only one end is used Both ends can be used
Stack Functionality No stack functionality Can function as both stack & queue
Use Case FIFO (First-In-First-Out) FIFO or LIFO, as needed

Performance Considerations

Deque provides more flexibility compared to a regular Queue and is efficient in both stack and queue operations. Use LinkedBlockingDeque when you need a thread-safe implementation with blocking operations.


In Java, the Deque interface is a versatile data structure that can function as both a stack and a queue. The LinkedBlockingDeque implementation provides thread-safe operations, making it ideal for concurrent applications. Understanding how to manipulate elements at both ends of the deque allows developers to use this structure efficiently in various scenarios, from task scheduling to implementing stacks.

For developers working with concurrent tasks or requiring both stack and queue functionality, the Deque is a valuable tool in the Java Collections Framework.