S11L02 – Type of Sets in Collections Framework

Understanding Types of Sets in the Collections Framework

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The Java Collections Framework provides a variety of data structures to handle different types of collections. One of the fundamental interfaces provided by the framework is the Set interface, which guarantees that no duplicates are allowed in the collection. Among the most commonly used implementations of this interface are HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet. Each of these implementations has unique behaviors and performance characteristics. In this article, we will explore the differences between these three sets, including their use cases, performance, and how to use them in real-world applications.

2. Types of Sets in the Java Collections Framework

The Set interface has three main implementations in the Java Collections Framework:

  • HashSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • TreeSet

Each of these sets has distinct characteristics, which we summarize below:

Set Type Description Order of Elements Null Handling Performance Characteristics
HashSet Stores elements in a hash table and does not guarantee any order. No specific order Allows one null element Fastest for add, search, and remove operations
LinkedHashSet Maintains the insertion order of elements. Insertion order Allows one null element Slightly slower than HashSet
TreeSet Stores elements in a sorted tree structure. Sorted order Does not allow null elements Slowest due to sorting

3. Detailed Explanation of HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet

3.1 HashSet

HashSet is an implementation of the Set interface that stores elements in a hash table. The primary advantage of HashSet is its speed for basic operations like adding, removing, and searching for elements. However, it does not maintain any order of the elements.

Key Points:

  • Performance: HashSet provides the fastest performance for operations like add(), contains(), and remove().
  • Order: Elements are stored without any specific order.
  • Null Handling: It allows one null element to be added to the set.

3.2 LinkedHashSet

LinkedHashSet extends HashSet but with one additional feature: it maintains the insertion order of elements. This makes it useful when the order of elements is important, but you still want the high performance of a hash-based collection.

Key Points:

  • Performance: It is slightly slower than HashSet, but still efficient for most operations.
  • Order: Elements are stored in the order in which they were inserted.
  • Null Handling: Like HashSet, it allows one null element.

3.3 TreeSet

TreeSet implements the NavigableSet interface, storing elements in a tree structure. It guarantees that elements are stored in sorted order (ascending by default). However, maintaining this sorted order comes at a cost: TreeSet is slower than HashSet and LinkedHashSet.

Key Points:

  • Performance: TreeSet is slower due to the sorting process.
  • Order: Elements are stored in a sorted order (natural or custom comparator).
  • Null Handling: TreeSet does not allow null elements.

4. Code Examples and Detailed Output Explanation

Example 1: HashSet

Code Explanation:

In this example, we create a HashSet of strings and add four elements to it, including a duplicate (“Java”).

  • No Duplicates: The HashSet ensures that no duplicate values are allowed, so “Java” is only added once.
  • No Order: The output does not maintain any specific order, as HashSet does not guarantee element order.


Here, the order of elements may vary when you run the program, as HashSet does not store elements in any particular order.

Example 2: LinkedHashSet

Code Explanation:

This example uses LinkedHashSet, which is a subclass of HashSet but maintains the order in which elements are inserted.

  • Insertion Order: When we add the elements “Java”, “Python”, and “C++”, the order in which we inserted them is maintained.


Unlike HashSet, the LinkedHashSet maintains the order of the elements as they are added, so the output preserves the order.

Example 3: TreeSet

Code Explanation:

In this example, we use a TreeSet, which stores elements in a sorted order.

  • Sorted Order: When we add the elements “Java”, “Python”, and “C++”, they are automatically sorted in ascending order (alphabetically in this case).


Here, the elements are displayed in sorted order, as TreeSet guarantees natural ordering (alphabetical for strings).

5. Conclusion

The Java Collections Framework provides several powerful implementations of the Set interface, each with its own strengths and use cases. HashSet is ideal when performance is the top priority, and the order of elements does not matter. It is the fastest for basic operations like adding and removing elements. LinkedHashSet is useful when the order of insertion matters, offering a good balance between performance and maintaining element order. Finally, TreeSet is best when the elements need to be stored in a sorted manner, but it comes with a performance trade-off compared to the other two sets.