S10L08 – Javascript promise In action

Understanding JavaScript Promises in Action

Table of Contents


JavaScript promises revolutionize how developers manage asynchronous operations, especially when working with network calls.
In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of promises and demonstrate their functionality using real-world examples.

Promises provide a cleaner, more readable way to handle asynchronous tasks compared to traditional callback functions.
They are essential when dealing with network calls, file operations, or any operation that does not produce immediate results.

Understanding Promises in JavaScript

What Are Promises?

A promise in JavaScript is an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. It has three states:

  • Pending: Initial state, the promise is neither fulfilled nor rejected.
  • Fulfilled: Operation completed successfully.
  • Rejected: Operation failed.

Syntax of Promises

Key Concepts

  • then(): Invoked when the promise is resolved.
  • catch(): Invoked when the promise is rejected.
  • finally(): Executes after either resolution or rejection.

Demonstrating Promises with Code

Code Explanation


Executing the above code will print:

If you uncomment the reject line, it will print:

Comparison of Promises with Callbacks

Feature Promises Callbacks
Readability Easier to read and chain Nested and difficult
Error Handling Centralized (catch) Distributed across code
State Management Handled internally Manually implemented


JavaScript promises simplify asynchronous programming by making code easier to write and debug.
They provide a robust mechanism for handling network requests, file I/O, and other asynchronous tasks.
By mastering promises, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and readability of your JavaScript code.

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