S09L08 – Java Vector methods

Understanding and Implementing Java Stack Methods

Table of Contents


In Java, collections provide developers with a flexible and efficient way to manage groups of objects. One such collection is the Stack class, which follows a last-in, first-out (LIFO) approach. This article delves into how Stack works, its key methods, and when to use it in your Java applications. By the end of this guide, you will have a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using Stack and how it compares with other collection types like ArrayList.

Understanding Stack in Java

What is a Stack?

In Java, a Stack is a class that represents a stack data structure. A stack follows the LIFO principle, meaning the last element added is the first to be removed. Stacks are particularly useful when you need to manage data in a reverse order, such as undo operations in a text editor or traversing a directory structure.

Stack Methods Overview

The Stack class provides several key methods:

Method Description
push() Adds an element to the top of the stack.
pop() Removes the top element from the stack.
peek() Retrieves, but does not remove, the top element.
isEmpty() Checks if the stack is empty.
indexOf() Returns the index of the element in the stack.

Java Stack Methods in Action

Example Code Explanation

Step-by-Step Walkthrough of the Code

1. Creating a Stack Object: The code begins by creating a Stack<Integer> object named numbers. This stack will store integers.

2. Using push() Method: Three integers (25, 35, 45) are pushed onto the stack using the push() method. The most recent value (45) is placed at the top of the stack.

3. Using indexOf() Method: The indexOf() method is used to find the index of the element 45. Since the stack follows LIFO, the index of 45 is 2, meaning it’s the third element from the bottom.

4. Using get() Method: The get() method retrieves the element at index 2 in the stack. It returns 45, confirming that 45 is at the top.

Key Differences Between Stack and Other Collections

While Stack is a useful data structure, it has some differences when compared with other Java collections, like ArrayList.

Feature Stack ArrayList
Order LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) Dynamic array (Index-based)
Usage Ideal for undo operations, recursion Suitable for dynamic lists
Performance Efficient for last-in operations Fast random access (get by index)
Memory Fixed memory overhead Flexible memory allocation

When to Use Stack?

– When you need to reverse the order of operations (e.g., in parsers).

– For managing recursive data (e.g., function call stack).

– Suitable for depth-first traversal algorithms.


The Stack class in Java is a powerful tool for managing collections where the last-added element is the first to be accessed or removed. It offers a variety of methods such as push(), pop(), and peek() to efficiently manage data. Understanding the distinction between Stack and other collections like ArrayList helps you make informed decisions when designing your Java applications. Use Stack when LIFO operations are essential for your problem domain.