S09L03 – Autoboxing and unboxing in Java collections

Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java Collections

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java Collections
  2. Understanding Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java
  3. Example Code Walkthrough
  4. Advantages and Use Cases of Autoboxing and Unboxing
  5. Conclusion

Chapter 1: Introduction to Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java Collections

In Java, collections such as ArrayList and HashMap are designed to store objects, not primitive data types. Therefore, autoboxing and unboxing provide an elegant solution to this limitation by automatically converting between primitive data types and their corresponding wrapper classes. This article will delve into how autoboxing and unboxing in Java work in collections and why they are essential for handling primitive data types like int, double, and char in these collections.

Chapter 2: Understanding Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java


Autoboxing is the automatic conversion of a primitive data type into its corresponding wrapper class. For instance, when a primitive int is added to a collection that can only store objects, Java automatically converts the int to an Integer. This process simplifies code and enhances readability.

In this example, even though 25 is a primitive int, Java automatically boxes it into an Integer object because the ArrayList can only store objects.


Unboxing is the reverse process, where an object of a wrapper class is automatically converted back into its corresponding primitive type. Java performs this when you retrieve an object from a collection and need to use it as a primitive. Consequently, it allows for seamless integration between collections and primitive operations.

Here, the get(0) method retrieves the Integer object from the list, and Java unboxes it back into a primitive int.

Chapter 3: Example Code Walkthrough

Now, let’s look at a Java code example that demonstrates how autoboxing and unboxing work in a real-world scenario using an ArrayList. Understanding this code will help clarify how these processes function behind the scenes.

Java Code from the Project:


  • ArrayList Declaration: An ArrayList<Integer> is created, which can only store Integer objects.
  • Autoboxing: When 25 and 28 are added to the list using the add method, Java automatically converts the primitive values into Integer objects via autoboxing.
  • Output: The list is printed using System.out.println, displaying [25, 28].

Why This Output is Printed:

The output [25, 28] is printed because the ArrayList holds two Integer objects containing the values 25 and 28. The toString method of ArrayList is called when printing, which formats the output as a list of elements. Since autoboxing converted the primitive integers to Integer objects, they are stored in the list and displayed accordingly.


Chapter 4: Advantages and Use Cases of Autoboxing and Unboxing


  • Ease of Use: Autoboxing and unboxing eliminate the need for manual conversion between primitives and wrapper classes. Therefore, the code becomes cleaner and easier to read.
  • Integration with Collections: Collections such as ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap work with objects. Autoboxing allows primitive types to be seamlessly stored and retrieved from these collections.

When to Use

Use autoboxing when working with Java collections that require storing primitive data types, such as int, double, and boolean, without manually converting them into their corresponding wrapper classes. Unboxing is beneficial when you need to retrieve data from a collection and use it in operations that require primitive types, such as arithmetic operations or comparisons.

Comparison of Autoboxing and Unboxing:

Process Description Example
Autoboxing Conversion of a primitive type to its wrapper class. numbersList.add(25);
Unboxing Conversion of a wrapper class to its primitive type. int num = numbersList.get(0);

Chapter 5: Conclusion

In conclusion, autoboxing and unboxing are critical features in Java that simplify the handling of primitive data types in collections. By automatically converting between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes, Java reduces the need for manual type conversions. This makes your code cleaner and easier to maintain. Understanding how these conversions work can significantly improve the efficiency of working with collections in Java.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the official Java Documentation on Autoboxing and Unboxing.

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