S07L31 – Throws keyword usage in Java

Understanding the throws Keyword

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Overview of the Throws Keyword in Java
  • Key Concepts and Terminology
  • Practical Examples and Code Explanation
  • When and Where to Use the Throws Keyword
  • Conclusion

1. Introduction

The throws keyword in Java is an important part of exception handling. It is used to declare exceptions that a method might throw during its execution. By using throws, the responsibility of handling the exception is transferred to the caller method. This chapter explores the usage of the throws keyword, its pros and cons, and practical examples demonstrating its usage.

Pros of Using the throws Keyword:

  • Provides clarity about potential exceptions in a method.
  • Enables better exception handling by transferring responsibility to the caller.
  • Reduces clutter within methods by offloading exception handling to other parts of the code.


  • May lead to less efficient handling if exceptions are propagated unnecessarily.
  • Can make debugging difficult if exceptions are not handled promptly.

2. Overview of the throws Keyword in Java

In Java, the throws keyword is used to declare that a method can throw exceptions. If a method can throw a checked exception (an exception that must be handled), the throws keyword is used in the method signature to indicate that the exception may be thrown. This shifts the responsibility of handling the exception to the method that calls it.

For example, if a method reads from a file and may encounter a FileNotFoundException, the method signature must declare throws FileNotFoundException so that the calling method knows about this potential exception.

3. Key Concepts and Terminology

  • Exception: An event that disrupts the normal flow of the program during runtime.
  • Checked Exception: Exceptions that must be caught or declared in the method signature using throws.
  • Unchecked Exception: Exceptions that do not need to be explicitly declared or handled.
  • Try-Catch Block: A structure used to handle exceptions by attempting to run a block of code and catching any exceptions that occur.

4. Practical Examples and Code Explanation

Here is an example demonstrating the usage of the throws keyword in Java:


  • throws Declaration: In the method doSomething(), the throws FileNotFoundException declaration indicates that the method can throw a FileNotFoundException if the file “text.txt” is not found. This shifts the responsibility of handling this exception to the calling method, in this case, main().
  • Try-Catch Block: The main() method wraps the call to doSomething() in a try-catch block to handle the potential FileNotFoundException. If the exception occurs, the catch block prints the stack trace.


5. When and Where to Use the throws Keyword

The throws keyword should be used in the following scenarios:

  • Checked Exceptions: When a method may throw checked exceptions like IOException, SQLException, or FileNotFoundException.
  • Delegating Exception Handling: When it makes sense for a method further up the call chain to handle the exception instead of handling it in the method itself.


  • It provides clarity about potential exceptions, allowing the calling method to handle them appropriately.
  • It makes methods cleaner by removing local exception handling code.


  • It can make debugging more difficult if exceptions are not handled in a timely manner.
  • It may propagate exceptions unnecessarily, leading to a less efficient exception-handling mechanism.

Comparison Table of throws and Try-Catch

Feature Throws Keyword Try-Catch Block
Purpose Declares that a method may throw exceptions Handles exceptions that occur within a block of code
Responsibility Transfers exception handling to the caller Handles exceptions immediately where they occur
Use Case Used in method signatures to indicate potential exceptions Used to catch and handle exceptions dynamically
Exception Type Works with checked exceptions Works with both checked and unchecked exceptions
Code Clarity Increases clarity by defining potential exceptions Can clutter code if too many exceptions are caught without clarity

6. Conclusion

The throws keyword is a fundamental part of Java’s exception-handling mechanism. It allows methods to declare exceptions that might occur during their execution, shifting the responsibility of handling these exceptions to the calling method. Proper usage of the throws keyword ensures clean, maintainable code while allowing developers to handle exceptions effectively.