S07L06 – Non static inner class in Java continues

Java Non-Static Inner Classes with Example Code

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Java Non-Static Inner Classes
  3. Explaining the Code
  4. Advantages of Non-Static Inner Classes
  5. Conclusion


In Java, non-static inner classes are classes defined within another class without the static modifier. They provide a way to logically group classes that are only used in one place, enhancing encapsulation and readability. Moreover, non-static inner classes can access the members of the outer class, making them a powerful tool for simplifying code and reducing complexity.

This article delves into Java Non-Static Inner Classes, exploring their definitions, characteristics, use cases, and differences from static inner classes. Additionally, we will walk through a practical example using the Shop and Lock classes, explaining the program’s output in detail.

Java Non-Static Inner Classes

Definition and Characteristics

A non-static inner class in Java is intimately tied to an instance of its enclosing (outer) class. Consequently, you cannot instantiate a non-static inner class without first creating an instance of the outer class. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Access to Outer Class Members: Non-static inner classes can access all members (including private ones) of the outer class.
  • Instance Association: They require an instance of the outer class to exist.
  • Logical Grouping: Ideal for grouping classes that are only relevant within the context of the outer class.

Use Cases

Non-static inner classes are particularly useful in scenarios where the inner class needs to interact closely with the outer class’s instance variables and methods. Common use cases include:

  • Helper Classes: Classes that assist the outer class by performing specific tasks.
  • Component Representation: Inner classes that represent parts or components of the outer class.

Comparison Table: Static vs. Non-Static Inner Classes

Feature Non-Static Inner Class Static Inner Class
Access to Outer Class Members Can access all members (including private) Can only access static members of the outer class
Instantiation Requires an instance of the outer class Can be instantiated without an instance of the outer class
Use Case Tightly coupled with an instance of the outer class Loosely coupled, used when only static access is needed

For more detailed comparisons, refer to Oracle’s official documentation on inner classes.

Example Code

Let’s examine a practical Java Non-Static Inner Class Example using the Shop and Lock classes. The Shop class contains a Lock inner class that determines whether the shop is open or closed:



Explaining the Code

Breakdown of Shop and Lock Classes

The Shop class encapsulates the Lock inner class, which manages the shop’s status—whether it is open or closed. The shopStatus() method in the Shop class checks the state of the Lock and prints the corresponding message.

Inner Class: Lock

The Lock class is a non-static inner class within the Shop class. It includes a boolean field locking that indicates if the lock is engaged (true) or disengaged (false). The class provides isLocking() and setLocking() methods to access and modify the locking state.

Output of the Program

The program’s output reflects the shop’s status based on the lock’s state:

  • First Output: “Shop is closed” is printed because the locking field is initially set to true.
  • Second Output: After setting locking to false using shop.getLock().setLocking(false), the program prints “Shop is open”.

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Outer Class Creation: In the main method, an instance of the Shop class is created using Shop shop = new Shop();.
  2. Initial Shop Status: The shop.shopStatus() method is called. Inside this method, the Lock inner class’s isLocking() method returns true, resulting in “Shop is closed” being printed.
  3. Modifying Lock State: The locking state is changed to false by calling shop.getLock().setLocking(false). This action disengages the lock.
  4. Updated Shop Status: The shop.shopStatus() method is invoked again. This time, isLocking() returns false, leading to “Shop is open” being printed.

Advantages of Non-Static Inner Classes

  • Enhanced Encapsulation: Non-static inner classes allow you to hide classes that are only relevant within the context of the outer class.
  • Direct Access to Outer Class Members: They can seamlessly access and manipulate the outer class’s instance variables and methods, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.
  • Logical Grouping: By logically grouping related classes, non-static inner classes improve code organization and readability.


In this article, we thoroughly examined Java Non-Static Inner Classes, highlighting their definitions, characteristics, and practical use cases. Through the detailed example of the Shop and Lock classes, we demonstrated how non-static inner classes can simplify code structure and enhance interaction with the outer class’s members.

Non-static inner classes are invaluable when an inner class needs to closely interact with the outer class, ensuring better encapsulation and organized code. By understanding and effectively utilizing non-static inner classes, Java developers can create more modular, maintainable, and scalable applications.

For more information on inner classes and their applications, refer to Oracle’s official documentation on inner classes.