S07L02 – Interfaces in Java continues

Java Interface Example: Understanding Interfaces with Detailed Code

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is an Interface in Java?
  3. Code Implementation with Example
  4. Program Output and Explanation
  5. Advantages of Using Interfaces
  6. Conclusion


In Java, interfaces play a pivotal role in implementing object-oriented principles such as abstraction and multiple inheritance. Specifically, a Java interface defines a contract that outlines the methods a class must implement without providing their actual implementations. This characteristic fosters flexible, reusable, and easily extendable code.

In this article, we will explore a Java Interface Example by examining the SamsungPhone and Iphone classes. Additionally, we will provide a detailed explanation of the program output and demonstrate how interfaces can be effectively utilized in Java development.

What is an Interface in Java?

An interface in Java is a reference type that can contain only abstract methods (prior to Java 8, which introduced default and static methods). Interfaces enable developers to define behaviors that multiple classes can implement, thereby achieving multiple inheritance indirectly.

Key Characteristics:

  • Abstract Methods: All methods in an interface are abstract by default and must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.
  • Multiple Inheritance: A class can implement multiple interfaces, providing a solution to Java’s single inheritance limitation.
  • No Constructors: Interfaces cannot have constructors since they are not intended to instantiate objects.

Comparison Table:

Abstract Class Interface
Can have both abstract and concrete methods. Only abstract methods (until Java 8).
Can include instance variables. Can only contain static final constants.
Supports single inheritance. Supports multiple inheritance.

For more detailed information, visit the official Oracle documentation on Java Interfaces.

Code Implementation with Example

Let’s examine a practical Java Interface Example by simulating different phones—SamsungPhone and Iphone—and their processor capabilities using simple methods.

SamsungPhone Class

The SamsungPhone class defines the processor() method, which returns an integer value representing the phone’s processor speed. Specifically, when this method is called, it outputs the processor speed as 1000.

Iphone Class

Similarly, the Iphone class defines the processor() method, which returns a String. This string represents the phone’s processor model, specifically "A15".

Main Class

In the Main class, we create instances of both SamsungPhone and Iphone. We then invoke their respective processor() methods and print the results to the console. This demonstrates how different classes can implement the same method name with different return types.

To learn more about implementing interfaces in Java, check out our Java Interface Implementation guide.

Program Output and Explanation

When you execute the program, the following output is displayed:

Explanation of the Output:

  • SamsungPhone Output: The processor() method of the SamsungPhone class is invoked, returning the integer value 1000. Consequently, 1000 is printed on the console.
  • Iphone Output: The processor() method of the Iphone class is called, returning the String value "A15". Therefore, A15 is printed on the console.

This example clearly illustrates how different classes can implement methods with the same name but different return types, showcasing the flexibility provided by interfaces.

Advantages of Using Interfaces

  • Code Reusability: Interfaces enable multiple classes to implement the same interface, which reduces code duplication and enhances reusability.
  • Multiple Inheritance: Despite Java’s single inheritance limitation, interfaces allow a class to inherit behaviors from multiple sources, thereby achieving multiple inheritance.
  • Separation of Concerns: Interfaces define “what” a class must do, leaving the “how” to the implementing class. This promotes modularity and cleaner code design.

For a deeper understanding, refer to Oracle’s section on Default Methods in Interfaces.


Interfaces are a fundamental aspect of Java’s object-oriented features, offering a flexible and scalable approach to implementing behavior across multiple classes. Through the Java Interface Example provided, we demonstrated how interfaces can help organize code, especially in scenarios where multiple objects share common functionality but require different implementations. The ability to produce different outputs for the same method name, as seen in the SamsungPhone and Iphone classes, underscores the power and versatility of Java interfaces.

By leveraging interfaces, developers can create more modular, maintainable, and scalable applications. Whether you’re building simple applications or complex systems, understanding and effectively utilizing interfaces will significantly enhance your Java programming skills.