S06L11 – Inheritance 04 – Constructors with inheritance

Java Constructors with Inheritance

Table of Contents


Java constructors with inheritance are fundamental in object-oriented programming (OOP). They ensure that objects within a class hierarchy initialize correctly, allowing both parent and child classes to function seamlessly. Therefore, mastering how constructors interact within inheritance structures is essential for developing efficient and reliable Java applications.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into Java constructors with inheritance. You will discover the role of constructors, understand how inheritance impacts constructor behavior, and learn how to effectively use the super keyword. Additionally, we provide detailed examples and best practices to reinforce your understanding.

Key Points:

  • Definition and role of constructors in Java.
  • Impact of inheritance on constructor behavior.
  • Using the super keyword to invoke parent class constructors.
  • Best practices for using constructors with inheritance.

Understanding Constructors in Java

A constructor in Java is a special method that initializes new objects. It shares the same name as the class and does not have a return type. Constructors are essential for setting up the initial state of an object, ensuring it starts with valid and intended values.


In this example, the Animal class includes a constructor that initializes the name property of the object. When a new Animal is instantiated, this constructor sets the name based on the provided argument.

How Inheritance Affects Constructors

When dealing with inheritance in Java, constructors exhibit unique behavior. Although subclasses inherit fields and methods from their superclasses, constructors themselves are not inherited. Instead, the constructor of the superclass is invoked automatically when a subclass object is created.

Key Points:

  • Constructor Chaining: When a subclass object is instantiated, Java first calls the constructor of the superclass before executing the subclass’s constructor.
  • Default Constructors: If no constructor is explicitly defined, Java provides a default constructor. However, if a parameterized constructor exists, the default constructor is not provided unless explicitly stated.

Super Keyword in Constructors

The super keyword in Java is used within a subclass constructor to call the constructor of its superclass. This is especially useful when the superclass has parameterized constructors that need to be initialized.


Note that the super call must be the first statement in the subclass constructor.


In this example, the Dog class extends the Animal class and uses the super keyword to invoke the Animal constructor. This ensures that the name property initializes correctly before setting the breed property.

Example: Using Constructors with Inheritance

Let’s examine a detailed example that demonstrates how constructors work with inheritance in Java:



  • When the Dog object is created, the Dog constructor invokes.
  • The statement super(name); in the Dog constructor calls the Animal constructor, initializing the name property and printing “Animal constructor called”.
  • After the superclass constructor completes, the Dog constructor initializes the breed property and prints “Dog constructor called”.
  • Finally, the display method prints the values of name and breed.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Common Pitfalls:

  • Missing super Keyword: Failing to use the super keyword when required can lead to compilation errors or uninitialized superclass fields.
  • Constructor Overloading Confusion: Having multiple constructors with different parameters can create confusion if not managed properly, potentially leading to maintenance challenges.
  • Initialization Issues: Forgetting to call the parent constructor may result in uninitialized superclass fields, causing unexpected behavior.

Best Practices:

  • Use super Wisely: Always call the parent constructor if the superclass requires specific initialization to ensure proper object setup.
  • Avoid Deep Constructor Chains: Keep constructor chains short to maintain readability and reduce complexity.
  • Document Constructors Clearly: Use comments to explain the purpose of each constructor, especially when overloading constructors, to enhance code maintainability.
  • Favor Composition Over Inheritance: When inheritance does not naturally fit the “is-a” relationship, prefer composition to build more flexible and maintainable code structures.


Java constructors with inheritance are essential for effective object-oriented programming. By mastering constructor chaining and the use of the super keyword, developers ensure proper object initialization and avoid common pitfalls. This understanding is crucial for building robust and maintainable Java applications.

For more detailed information on constructors and inheritance in Java, refer to the official Oracle Java Documentation.