S06L09 – Inheritance 02 – Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Inheritance in Java?
  3. Creating a Hierarchy of Classes
  4. Using Inheritance in the Main Class
  5. Best Practices
  6. Conclusion


Inheritance is a cornerstone of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java, significantly enhancing code reusability, organization, and structure. By allowing one class to inherit properties and behaviors from another, developers can create more efficient and maintainable codebases. This Java Inheritance Tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of how inheritance operates in Java, illustrated with practical examples from a project that features a simple Vehicle hierarchy.

Throughout this tutorial, you will learn how to create a base class, extend it using subclasses, and effectively utilize inherited properties in real-world Java applications. Consequently, this will deepen your understanding of inheritance and its critical role in robust code design.

What is Inheritance in Java?

Inheritance in Java enables a class, known as a subclass or child class, to inherit fields and methods from another class, referred to as a superclass or parent class. This mechanism promotes code reuse and facilitates the creation of a hierarchical classification system within your applications.

  • Superclass: The class whose properties are inherited by other classes.
  • Subclass: The class that inherits properties from another class.

For instance, consider the context of vehicles:

  • Vehicle serves as the parent class (superclass).
  • Bike, Car, and Truck are child classes (subclasses) that inherit properties from the Vehicle class.

By leveraging inheritance, subclasses can utilize and extend the functionalities of the superclass without duplicating code. This not only streamlines development but also ensures consistency across related classes.

For more information, refer to the official Oracle documentation on inheritance.

Creating a Hierarchy of Classes

The Vehicle Class

The Vehicle class acts as the foundational class in our hierarchy, encapsulating common properties shared by all vehicles. These properties include the engine type, number of wheels, seating capacity, fuel tank capacity, and type of lights. Subclasses like Bike, Car, and Truck inherit these fields, allowing them to utilize and extend these attributes as needed.

Implementation of the Vehicle Class:

In this implementation, the Vehicle class defines several public fields that represent common characteristics of a vehicle. These fields are accessible to all subclasses, enabling them to inherit and utilize these properties directly.

The Bike, Car, and Truck Classes

Now, let’s define specific vehicle types that inherit from the Vehicle class. Each subclass extends the Vehicle class and introduces additional properties unique to that vehicle type.

The Bike Class:

The Bike class inherits all properties from the Vehicle class and adds a unique property, handle, which represents the type of handlebars the bike has.

The Car Class:

Similarly, the Car class extends Vehicle and introduces additional features like steering, musicSystem, and airConditioner, which are specific to cars.

The Truck Class:

The Truck class not only inherits properties from Vehicle but also adds a container field to represent the truck’s cargo capacity.

Using Inheritance in the Main Class

The Main class demonstrates how to instantiate objects from the subclasses and utilize the inherited fields from the Vehicle class. By doing so, it showcases the practical application of inheritance in a Java program.

Implementation of the Main Class:

In this example, the Bike object inherits properties from the Vehicle class. We initialize various fields, including those inherited from Vehicle, and then print their values. Each System.out.println statement outputs the value of a specific field, demonstrating how inherited properties are accessed and utilized within the subclass.


This output verifies that the Bike class successfully inherits and utilizes the properties defined in the Vehicle class. Each field displays the value assigned, confirming the effectiveness of inheritance in accessing and managing shared attributes.

Best Practices

  • Encapsulation: Always declare class fields as private and provide public getters and setters. This approach protects your data from unintended external modifications and promotes controlled access.
  • Use of @Override: When overriding methods in subclasses, use the @Override annotation. This practice enhances code clarity and helps prevent errors by ensuring that you are correctly overriding methods from the superclass.
  • Consistent Naming Conventions: Follow consistent naming conventions for classes, methods, and variables. This consistency improves code readability and maintainability.
  • Constructor Overloading: Overload constructors in both parent and child classes to provide multiple ways of initializing objects. This flexibility allows for more versatile and reusable code.
  • Avoiding Deep Inheritance Hierarchies: While inheritance is powerful, excessively deep inheritance hierarchies can make code difficult to manage and understand. Strive for a balanced and logical class structure.


In this Java Inheritance Tutorial, we delved into the concept of inheritance, exploring how subclasses can inherit and extend properties from parent classes. By examining the Vehicle hierarchy and implementing practical examples, you have gained a clear understanding of how inheritance promotes code reuse and organization in Java applications.

Mastering inheritance allows you to design more scalable and maintainable Java programs. By effectively utilizing inheritance, you can create robust class structures that facilitate code management and enhance overall application quality.

To further expand your knowledge, refer to the official Oracle documentation on inheritance, which provides additional insights and advanced concepts.