S06L06 – Foreach methods

Mastering the forEach Method in JavaScript

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the forEach Method
    • Key Concepts
    • Syntax
  3. Real-World Example: Iterating Over Arrays
    • Code Explanation
    • Output Analysis
  4. When and Why to Use forEach
  5. Comparing forEach with Other Iteration Methods
  6. Conclusion


The ForEach method is a cornerstone of JavaScript array operations, providing an elegant and concise way to iterate over elements. This method is widely used in scenarios ranging from simple list processing to dynamic UI updates. By understanding how to use ForEach, developers can simplify their code and improve readability.

In this guide, we’ll explore:

  • The purpose and syntax of ForEach.
  • A step-by-step example of its usage.
  • Key comparisons with other iteration methods like map and for.

Understanding the ForEach Method

Key Concepts

  • Purpose: The forEach method executes a provided function once for each array element.
  • Mutability: It does not return a new array or change the original array.


  • callback: A function executed on each element. It receives three arguments:
    • currentValue: The current element being processed.
    • index (optional): The index of the current element.
    • array (optional): The array forEach was called on.

Real-World Example: Iterating Over Arrays



  1. Data Setup: An array names contains a list of names.
  2. Callback Function: The displayNames function takes two parameters:
    • name: The current name in the array.
    • index: The index of the name.

    This function logs each name along with its index.

  3. Iterating with forEach: The forEach method iterates over the names array, calling displayNames for each element.


When and Why to Use forEach


  • Simplifies array traversal compared to traditional for loops.
  • Increases code readability.
  • Automatically provides the current index and element.


  • Does not return a new array.
  • Cannot use break or continue to exit or skip iterations.

Use Cases

  • Logging array elements.
  • Applying a function to each array item without modifying the array.

Comparing forEach with Other Iteration Methods

Method Return Value Use Case
forEach Undefined Iterating over elements
map New array Transforming elements
for Flexible General-purpose iteration
filter New array with filtered items Filtering elements based on logic


The forEach method is a versatile tool for working with arrays, particularly when transformations or filtering are unnecessary. By mastering this method, developers can write cleaner and more efficient code for everyday JavaScript tasks.

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