S06L02 – Getters and Setters in Java Classes

Understanding Getters and Setters

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: Understanding Access Specifiers
  3. Chapter 2: Getters and Setters in Java
  4. Chapter 3: Practical Example of Getters and Setters
  5. Conclusion


In Java, classes use access specifiers like public and private to control the visibility of their fields and methods. While public allows unrestricted access, private restricts direct access to the class’s fields. This is where Getters and Setters come into play. They provide a controlled way to access and modify private fields, ensuring data encapsulation and integrity.

This guide will explain the importance of getters and setters, demonstrate how to implement them, and provide a practical example using a Car class. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand how to use getters and setters to create robust and maintainable Java applications.

Chapter 1: Understanding Access Specifiers

What are Access Specifiers?

Access specifiers in Java define the accessibility of classes, fields, methods, and constructors. The most common access specifiers are:

  • Public: Accessible from any other class.
  • Private: Accessible only within the declared class.
  • Protected: Accessible within the same package and subclasses.
  • Default (no modifier): Accessible only within the same package.

Public vs. Private Access

In the previous example, we directly accessed a public variable in the Car class. However, accessing fields directly is not recommended as it violates the principle of encapsulation. Instead, we should use getters and setters to control access to private fields.

Chapter 2: Getters and Setters in Java

Why Use Getters and Setters?

Getters and setters are methods that provide access to private fields in a controlled way. They allow you to:

  • Validate data before modifying a field (e.g., checking if a number is positive).
  • Make the class easier to maintain and modify.
  • Control access to sensitive fields, ensuring that only valid data is assigned.

Implementing Getters and Setters

To implement getters and setters:

  1. Getters return the value of a private field.
  2. Setters assign a new value to a private field after validation.

Chapter 3: Practical Example of Getters and Setters

Code Example: Car.java


  • Getters and Setters: Each private field has a corresponding getter and setter method. For example, getMake() returns the value of make, and setMake(String make) updates the make field.
  • Validation: The setYear(int year) method includes validation to ensure the year is within a valid range.

Using Getters and Setters in the Main Class


  • Object Creation: A new Car object is created.
  • Using Setters: The setMake, setModel, and setYear methods are used to update the Car object’s fields.
  • Using Getters: The updated values of the fields are accessed using getter methods.


Getters and setters are essential for controlling access to private fields in Java classes. They help maintain encapsulation, validate data, and ensure that your code adheres to best practices. By using getters and setters effectively, you can create robust, maintainable, and secure Java applications.