S04L02 – Updating the seed data

Updating Seed Data in Your Application

Table of Contents


Seed data is a fundamental concept in software development, particularly for database-driven applications. It provides initial data for your application to function correctly or for testing purposes. This article will guide you through updating seed data in a Spring Boot application using the provided SeedData.java implementation.

Understanding Seed Data

What is Seed Data?

Seed data refers to predefined information loaded into the database at the application’s startup. This data can include:

  • User accounts
  • Sample posts
  • Configuration settings

Importance of Seed Data in Applications

Seed data ensures that the application starts with essential data. It helps developers and testers simulate real-world scenarios without manually inserting data repeatedly.

Aspect Benefit
Initial Application State Ensures functionality from the start
Testing Provides a stable environment
Development Simplifies iterative changes

The Role of SeedData.java

CommandLineRunner in Spring Boot

The CommandLineRunner interface is a Spring Boot utility that runs specific logic after the application context is initialized. In our example, SeedData.java uses this interface to populate the database with initial data.

Implementation Details

Exploring the Data Models

The Account Model

The Post Model

Working with Repositories and Services

The Repository Layer

Repositories provide database access methods. For example:

The Service Layer

The service layer encapsulates business logic.

Running the Application

Verifying the Seed Data

  • Start the application.
  • Check the database for Account and Post entries.
  • Use tools like Postman or a database client to verify.

Practical Example

You can test the seed data by calling an endpoint to fetch all posts:

Application Output

Verifying Seed Data in the Application

After starting the Spring Boot application, the database will contain initial data seeded by the SeedData.java class. Below is the output when the application is running and the seed data is verified:

How to Test the Output

  • Use Postman or a similar API testing tool to call the GET /api/posts endpoint.
  • Verify the response matches the seeded data as shown above.
  • Connect to the database using tools like H2 Console or a database client to validate the data in the tables.


Updating seed data ensures a consistent and reliable starting point for your application. By using SeedData.java and Spring Boot’s CommandLineRunner, you can efficiently manage and update your application’s initial data.

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