S04L02 – Return in methods of Java

Return Statements in Java Methods

Table of Contents


In Java, the return statement is used to exit from a method and optionally send back a value to the caller. It is a crucial concept that allows methods to produce results that can be used in other parts of the program. In this article, we will explore the use of the return statement in various contexts, discuss return types, and address common mistakes.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Return Statement

The return statement in Java is used to terminate the execution of a method and return control to the calling method. If the method is intended to return a value, the return statement is followed by an expression that evaluates to the value being returned.



Consider the following method that returns the area of a rectangle:

The return statement here returns the product of height and width to the calling method.

Chapter 2: Using Return in Methods

In Java, methods can be defined to return any data type, or they can be void (no return value). The type of data returned by a method is indicated by the method’s return type in its signature.


The following code demonstrates a method returning an integer value:


In this example, the areaOfRectangle method returns the product of height and width, which is then printed in the main method.

Chapter 3: Return Types and Values

Methods in Java can return various types of values, including:

  • Primitive Types: int, double, boolean, etc.
  • Reference Types: Objects like Strings, Arrays, or user-defined types.



In this example, the greet method returns a string that is then used in the main method.

Chapter 4: Common Mistakes with Return Statements

There are several common mistakes when using return statements in Java:

  • Returning a Value from a Void Method: A void method should not use a return statement with a value.
  • Returning Incorrect Type: The return value must match the method’s return type.
  • Missing Return Statement: Non-void methods must include a return statement with a value.

Example of an Error:


Understanding the use of return statements in Java methods is essential for effective programming. It allows you to design methods that produce and deliver meaningful results to other parts of your code. By mastering return types, values, and common pitfalls, you can write more robust and error-free Java programs.

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