S03L03 – Qualifier annotation

Understanding Qualifier Annotations in Spring

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Qualifier Annotations
  2. Understanding the Qualifier Annotation in Spring
  3. Program Code Example
  4. How Qualifier Annotation Solves Ambiguity
  5. When to Use Qualifier Annotations
  6. Conclusion

Introduction to Qualifier Annotations

In the Spring framework, Dependency Injection (DI) is a powerful mechanism that allows developers to manage the dependencies between various components of an application. However, in cases where there are multiple beans of the same type, Spring may encounter ambiguity when trying to inject dependencies. This is where the @Qualifier annotation comes into play.

The @Qualifier annotation is used to specify which bean to inject when there are multiple beans of the same type available. This article will walk you through the concept of @Qualifier annotations, their benefits, and provide a hands-on example of their use.

Importance of Qualifier Annotations

  • Resolving Confusion: The @Qualifier annotation solves bean injection ambiguity when more than one bean of the same type is available in the Spring container.
  • Control over Dependency Injection: It provides finer control by explicitly specifying which bean should be injected.
  • Flexibility: It allows developers to define beans with different configurations while maintaining code reusability.

Pros and Cons of Using Qualifier Annotations

Pros Cons
Helps resolve ambiguity when multiple beans exist Overuse may lead to confusing code
Provides control over which bean to inject Requires developers to maintain proper naming
Enhances flexibility in managing dependencies Could introduce tight coupling if misused

When and Where to Use

The @Qualifier annotation is ideal in scenarios where:

  • Multiple beans of the same type are available in the Spring container.
  • Specific beans need to be injected for certain operations or environments.

Understanding the Qualifier Annotation in Spring

In Spring, the @Qualifier annotation is used in conjunction with the @Autowired annotation to help resolve dependency injection issues. When there are multiple beans of the same type, Spring may not know which bean to inject by default. The @Qualifier annotation allows you to specify the exact bean that should be used in these cases.

Key Concepts

  • Bean: A bean is an object that is managed by the Spring IoC container.
  • Autowired: The @Autowired annotation is used to automatically inject beans.
  • Qualifier: This annotation specifies the exact bean to inject when there are multiple beans of the same type.

Example Code

Program Code Example

  • Car.java – Defining the Interface

Code Explanation:

  • Package Declaration: The Car.java file belongs to the org.studyeasy.car package.
  • Interface Definition:
    • The Car interface defines a method specifications() that will be implemented by different car classes.
    • This is an example of the Strategy Design Pattern, where the behavior (car specifications) can change based on the class that implements the Car interface.

No output here as this is just the definition of an interface. The concrete implementation is provided by the classes that implement this interface.

  • Corolla.java

Code Explanation:

  • Package Declaration: The Corolla.java file belongs to the org.studyeasy.car package.
  • Spring Component:
    • The @Component(“corolla”) annotation tells Spring to create a bean of this class and register it under the name corolla.
  • Implements Car Interface:
    • The Corolla class implements the Car interface and provides the body for the specifications() method.
    • The method prints out specific details about the Corolla car.

If the Corolla class is injected and the specifications() method is called, it will output:

  • Swift.java

Code Explanation:

  • Package Declaration: The Swift.java file belongs to the org.studyeasy.car package.
  • Spring Component:
    • The @Component(“swift”) annotation tells Spring to create a bean of this class and register it under the name swift.
  • Implements Car Interface:
    • The Swift class implements the Car interface and provides its own implementation of the specifications() method.
    • The method prints out specific details about the Swift car.

If the Swift class is injected and the specifications() method is called, it will output:

  • App.java

Code Explanation:

  • Package Declaration: The App.java file belongs to the org.studyeasy package.
  • Spring Boot Application:
    • The @SpringBootApplication annotation marks this as a Spring Boot application.
    • The main() method is the entry point, where Spring Boot starts the application.
  • Dependency Injection with @Autowired:
    • The @Autowired annotation is used to inject a bean of type Car into the car field.
    • @Qualifier(“swift”) ensures that the specific swift bean (which is the Swift class) is injected.
  • Method run:
    • The run() method calls the specifications() method on the injected Car object. Since swift is injected, this will invoke the specifications() method of the Swift class.


When the App class is run, the output will be:


  • Interface Definition: We define a Car interface with a specifications method.
  • Implementation Classes: Two classes, Corolla and Swift, implement the Car interface, each with their specific specifications methods.
  • Qualifier Annotation: In App.java, we use the @Qualifier annotation to tell Spring that we want to inject the Swift bean.

How Qualifier Annotation Solves Ambiguity

In a scenario where you have multiple beans of the same type, Spring will not know which bean to inject. If you try to inject a bean without specifying which one, you will get an error due to ambiguity.

Example without Qualifier

This will result in an error because Spring doesn’t know whether to inject Swift or Corolla. By using the @Qualifier annotation, you can specify which bean to inject and avoid this ambiguity.

When to Use Qualifier Annotations

  • Multiple Bean Definitions: When there are multiple beans of the same type, use the @Qualifier annotation to resolve ambiguity.
  • Custom Configuration: If you have beans with different configurations, use @Qualifier to inject the correct one based on the context.
  • Environments: When dealing with multiple environments, such as development and production, you can use @Qualifier to inject the appropriate configuration for each environment.


The @Qualifier annotation is a crucial tool for Spring developers, enabling precise control over dependency injection. It ensures that the correct bean is injected when there are multiple beans of the same type, preventing ambiguity and providing flexibility in managing complex applications.

By understanding and using the @Qualifier annotation effectively, developers can avoid common issues related to dependency injection and improve the maintainability of their code.