S02L06 – Making decision with operators – (Part 04)

How to Make Decisions in Java Using Operators


In Java, decision-making is a fundamental concept that allows the program to execute different blocks of code based on certain conditions. Using operators, we can create logical conditions that determine the flow of the program. This article will delve into the various operators used for decision-making, such as relational and logical operators, and demonstrate their usage through practical examples. Mastering these operators will help you write more flexible and dynamic code.

Understanding Decision-Making Operators in Java

In Java, operators play a crucial role in decision-making by evaluating expressions that lead to boolean values (true or false). These boolean values dictate whether certain parts of code should execute. The primary operators used for decision-making include:

  • Relational Operators: These operators compare two values and return a boolean result. Common relational operators include:
      • == (equal to)
      • != (not equal to)
    • > (greater than)
    • < (less than)
    • >= (greater than or equal to)
    • <= (less than or equal to)
  • Logical Operators: These operators combine multiple boolean expressions. The common logical operators are:
    • && (logical AND)
    • || (logical OR)
    • ! (logical NOT)

Example: Using Relational and Logical Operators

Let’s look at a practical example of how these operators work in Java. We’ll use a sample code from the provided project file to illustrate this.

Code Example: Sample.java

Code Explanation

  • Variable Declaration:
    • int number1 = 50;
    • int number2 = 100;
    • We declared two integer variables, number1 and number2, for comparison.
  • Relational Operator:
    • result = number1 > number2;
    • This expression checks if number1 is greater than number2. The result is false because 50 is not greater than 100.
  • Logical AND Operator:
    • result = (number1 < number2) && (number1 > 0);
    • This checks if number1 is both less than number2 and greater than 0. The result is true because both conditions are met.
  • Logical OR Operator:
    • result = (number1 < number2) || (number1 < 0);
    • This checks if number1 is either less than number2 or less than 0. The result is true because number1 is indeed less than number2.
  • Negation Operator:
    • result = !(number1 == number2);
    • This checks if number1 is not equal to number2. The result is true since 50 is not equal to 100.

Output of the Code

Key Concepts to Remember

  • Relational Operators: Used to compare two values.
  • Logical Operators: Used to combine multiple conditions.
  • Negation Operator: Used to reverse the result of a boolean expression.


Understanding decision-making operators is essential for controlling the flow of a Java program. By using relational, logical, and negation operators, you can create complex conditions and ensure your program behaves as expected in different scenarios. As you practice using these operators, you’ll become more proficient in writing efficient and logical code.

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