S02L04 – Keywords, datatypes in JavaScript

Understanding Keywords and Data Types: Java vs. JavaScript

Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Keywords in Java and JavaScript
    • What are Keywords?
    • Reserved Keywords in Java
    • Reserved Keywords in JavaScript
  • 3. Data Types in Java and JavaScript
    • Primitive Data Types
    • Reference Data Types
  • 4. Key Differences Between Java and JavaScript
  • 5. Sample Code Comparison
  • 6. Conclusion


Keywords and data types form the foundation of programming languages. While Java and JavaScript share similarities in syntax, they cater to different programming paradigms and use cases. Understanding how these two languages handle keywords and data types can help developers navigate their unique ecosystems effectively.

In this article, we will:

  • Explore the purpose and usage of keywords in Java and JavaScript.
  • Discuss the differences in data types between the two languages.
  • Provide sample code for better understanding.

Keywords in Java and JavaScript

What are Keywords?

Keywords are reserved words predefined by a programming language, used for specific purposes and cannot be utilized as identifiers like variable names, class names, or function names.

Reserved Keywords in Java

Java has 52 reserved keywords, categorized into various functionalities:

  • Control Flow: if, else, switch, case, default
  • Access Modifiers: public, private, protected
  • Object-Oriented: class, interface, extends, implements
  • Primitive Types: int, float, char, boolean
  • Others: try, catch, finally, throw, throws

Reserved Keywords in JavaScript

JavaScript keywords vary depending on the ECMAScript version but include:

  • Declarations: var, let, const
  • Control Flow: if, else, switch, case, default
  • Functions: function, return, async, await
  • Others: try, catch, finally, throw

Note: Post-ES6 keywords like let and const replaced the legacy var for better scope management.

Data Types in Java and JavaScript

Primitive Data Types

Data Type Java JavaScript
Number int, float, double Unified as Number
String String String
Boolean boolean Boolean
Undefined Not Applicable undefined
Null null null

Reference Data Types

Data Type Java JavaScript
Object Instances of classes Object
Array Array Array
Function Not Applicable Function

Key Differences Between Java and JavaScript

  • Typing System:
    • Java: Statically typed (type is defined at compile time).
    • JavaScript: Dynamically typed (type is determined at runtime).
  • Keyword Usage:
    • Java uses keywords to define strict rules for structure.
    • JavaScript keywords are more flexible, especially post-ES6.
  • Primitive vs. Reference:
    • Java distinguishes strictly between primitive and reference types.
    • JavaScript treats almost everything as an object.

Sample Code Comparison

Java: Working with Keywords and Data Types

JavaScript: Working with Keywords and Data Types


Java and JavaScript, though similar in appearance, have distinct characteristics. Keywords and data types are fundamental to their operation, reflecting their respective purposes—Java as a robust, statically-typed language, and JavaScript as a dynamic, web-focused tool.

Understanding these differences empowers developers to harness each language effectively in their respective domains.

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