S02L02 – The template and external files

Integrating Templates with Spring Boot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up Spring Boot with Templates
  3. Understanding Spring Boot Project Structure
  4. Creating Controllers for Template Integration
  5. Rendering HTML Pages with Thymeleaf
  6. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Spring Boot simplifies the process of developing Java web applications. One common use case is integrating HTML templates to render dynamic content on web pages. In this article, we will discuss how to integrate templates using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. This approach allows for the separation of the front-end from the back-end logic, enabling better maintainability and scalability in web development projects.


  • Simplifies Front-End Management: Templates separate HTML structure from back-end logic.
  • Faster Development: Predefined templates speed up the development process.
  • Supports Scalability: Ideal for projects where front-end and back-end teams work in parallel.


  • Learning Curve: Requires some learning to understand how templating engines like Thymeleaf work.
  • Overhead: Templating introduces additional dependencies and complexity.

When and Where to Use

This setup is useful in any web application where dynamic content must be rendered on the client side. It’s particularly beneficial in MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectures.

2. Setting Up Spring Boot with Templates

In this section, we will go through setting up a simple Spring Boot project with template integration. The project we are using is configured with Thymeleaf as the templating engine.

Maven Dependencies

Ensure that the pom.xml contains the necessary dependencies for Thymeleaf.

These dependencies allow us to use Thymeleaf for rendering HTML templates in our application.

3. Understanding Spring Boot Project Structure

The Spring Boot project consists of a standard folder structure that supports clear separation of concerns. Here’s a quick overview of the folders:

Folder Description
src/main/java Contains Java files for business logic and MVC.
src/main/resources Contains static files and templates for rendering views.

4. Creating Controllers for Template Integration

Let’s look at the Java code for handling the HTTP requests and rendering the templates.

Spring Boot Application Class

This SpringStarterApplication class contains the main method, which launches the Spring Boot application.

Controller for Home and About Pages

This HomeController class handles two mappings:

  1. /home – Renders the home page.
  2. /about – Renders the about page.

Step-by-Step Explanation

  • @Controller: Indicates that this class handles web requests.
  • @GetMapping(“/home”): Maps the /home URL to the home method, which returns the “home” view (HTML page).
  • Model Object: Enables passing data from the controller to the view (though in this simple example, it’s not utilized).

5. Rendering HTML Pages with Thymeleaf

Thymeleaf templates are stored in the src/main/resources/templates folder. The HTML files (home.html, about.html) are rendered dynamically by the controller.

Sample Thymeleaf HTML Template

How Thymeleaf Works

  • The th attribute is used to bind dynamic content to the template.
  • Controllers map URLs to specific templates, which Thymeleaf processes to generate the final HTML response.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we explored how to integrate templates into a Spring Boot application using Thymeleaf. The project structure, controller logic, and template rendering process were covered in detail. This architecture allows developers to build maintainable and scalable applications with a clear separation between the front-end and back-end.

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