S01L11 – Hibernate CURD operation – Delete

Hibernate CRUD Operation: Delete

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Hibernate Delete Operation
    • What is Hibernate?
    • What is a CRUD Operation?
    • Focus on Delete Operation
  3. Implementing Delete in Hibernate
    • Code Explanation: Users.java
    • Code Explanation: App.java
  4. Comparison Table: CRUD Operations
  5. Output and Explanation
  6. Conclusion


Hibernate is an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework used in Java applications to interact with relational databases. It simplifies database operations by allowing developers to work with objects rather than SQL queries directly.

This article focuses on the Hibernate Delete Operation, a key part of CRUD operations.

CRUD Operation Description
Create Adds new records to the database.
Read Retrieves existing data.
Update Modifies existing data.
Delete Removes specific records.

Understanding Hibernate Delete Operation

What is Hibernate?

Hibernate is a popular Java-based framework that allows developers to map Java classes to database tables.

What is a CRUD Operation?

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete—basic operations performed on a database.

Focus on Delete Operation

The delete operation uses the session.delete() method to remove a specific record from the database.

Implementing Delete in Hibernate

Entity Class: Users.java

Main Application: App.java

Comparison Table: CRUD Operations

Operation Method Used Purpose
Create session.save() Adds a new record.
Read session.get() Retrieves data by ID.
Update session.update() Updates an existing record.
Delete session.delete() Deletes a specific record.

Output and Explanation

When you run the program:

  • A database connection is established.
  • The record with user_id = 3 is fetched.
  • The record is deleted, and the transaction is committed.



In this article, we explored the Hibernate Delete Operation as part of CRUD operations. We implemented a complete example using the Users entity and App main program to delete a specific record from the database.

Key Takeaways

  • Hibernate simplifies database operations.
  • The session.delete() method is used for deleting records.
  • Proper use of transactions ensures data integrity.

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