S02L03 – Forms under Servlets

Submitting Forms to Servlets: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
  2. Understanding Servlets and JSP …………………………………………. 3
  3. Setting Up Your Development Environment …………………. 5
  4. Creating and Configuring the Controller Servlet ………. 8
  5. Designing the Form JSP …………………………………………………………….. 12
  6. Handling Form Submission with doPost and doGet ………. 16
  7. Deploying to Tomcat Server ………………………………………………… 20
  8. Debugging Common Issues ………………………………………………………… 24
  9. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 28


Submitting forms is a fundamental aspect of web development, enabling users to send data to servers for processing. In Java-based web applications, Servlets play a crucial role in handling these form submissions efficiently. This guide delves into the process of submitting a form to a Servlet, emphasizing the advantages of using Servlets over JSP files. By leveraging Servlets, developers can implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, resulting in better control and flow management within applications.

Importance of Submitting Forms to Servlets

  • Enhanced Control: Servlets provide granular control over the request and response cycle.
  • MVC Implementation: Facilitates the separation of concerns, promoting organized and maintainable code.
  • Security: Servlets offer robust mechanisms to handle form data securely.
  • Flexibility: Easily manage different HTTP methods like GET and POST for varied functionalities.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Improved control over request handling Requires understanding of Servlet API
Facilitates MVC architecture implementation Additional setup compared to JSP-only approaches
Enhanced security features May involve more boilerplate code
Better scalability and maintainability Initial learning curve for beginners

When and Where to Use Servlets

Use Servlets when your application requires:

  • Complex form processing and data validation.
  • Implementation of business logic on the server side.
  • Integration with databases or other backend services.
  • Secure handling of user input and authentication processes.

Understanding Servlets and JSP

Before diving into form submission, it’s essential to grasp the roles of Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) in web applications.

What are Servlets?

Servlets are Java programs that run on a web server, handling client requests and generating dynamic responses. They act as the backbone of many Java-based web applications by processing incoming requests, interacting with databases, and controlling the flow of data.

What is JSP?

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology that allows embedding Java code within HTML pages. JSP files are typically used to create dynamic web content, presenting data to users in a structured format.

Servlets vs. JSP

Servlets JSP
Handle backend logic and processing Primarily used for presentation and UI
Written entirely in Java Mix of HTML and Java code
Better for complex logic and data handling Simpler for creating dynamic web pages
More control over HTTP requests/responses Easier for rapidly developing front-end

Setting Up Your Development Environment

To begin submitting forms to Servlets, ensure your development environment is correctly set up.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Ensure the latest version is installed.
  • Apache Tomcat: A widely-used web server for deploying Java Servlets and JSP.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): IDEs like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA streamline development.
  • Maven: For project management and dependency handling.

Installation Steps

  1. Install JDK:
    • Download from the [official website](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html).
    • Follow installation instructions for your operating system.
  2. Set Up Apache Tomcat:
    • Download Tomcat from the [Apache Tomcat website](https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi).
    • Extract the downloaded file and configure environment variables if necessary.
  3. Configure Your IDE:
    • Install Eclipse or your preferred IDE.
    • Set up Tomcat within the IDE for seamless deployment.
  4. Initialize a Maven Project:
    • Use Maven to manage project dependencies and build processes.
    • Run the command:

Creating and Configuring the Controller Servlet

The Controller Servlet acts as the central point for handling form submissions and coordinating the application’s flow.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Delete Existing JSP Submission File:
    • Remove submit.jsp to streamline form handling through the Servlet.
  2. Create a Subfolder for Servlets:
    • Name the folder Java (case-sensitive) within your project directory to store Servlet files.
  3. Add a New Servlet:
    • Right-click on the Java folder in your IDE.
    • Navigate to New > Servlet.
    • Configure the Servlet with the following details:
      • Package: org.studyeasy
      • Class Name: Controller
      • URL Mapping: /controller
  4. Implement doPost and doGet Methods:
  5. Replace Javax with Jakarta:
    • Update import statements to use Jakarta packages as per the latest standards.
  6. Save and Compile:
    • Ensure all changes are saved.
    • Compile the Servlet to check for errors.

Explanation of Key Concepts

  • doPost Method: Handles HTTP POST requests, ideal for form submissions to send data securely.
  • doGet Method: Manages HTTP GET requests, suitable for fetching data without side effects.
  • PrintWriter: Facilitates writing response data back to the client.

Designing the Form JSP

The form.jsp file serves as the user interface for data input, which is then submitted to the Controller Servlet.

Creating the Form

  1. Navigate to src/main/webapp:
    • Locate or create the from.jsp file (assuming it’s a typo for form.jsp).
  2. Design the HTML Form:

Key Elements of the Form

  • Action Attribute: Specifies the URL (/controller) where the form data is sent upon submission.
  • Method Attribute: Defines the HTTP method (post) used to send data.
  • Input Fields: Collect user data such as name, email, gender, and languages.
  • Validation: Utilizes HTML5 validation (required) to ensure essential fields are filled.

Using Expression Language for Context Path

  • ${pageContext.request.contextPath}: Dynamically retrieves the base URL of the application, ensuring correct form submission paths across different environments.

Handling Form Submission with doPost and doGet

Efficiently handling form submissions involves understanding how Servlets process different HTTP methods.

Understanding doPost and doGet

  • doPost:
    • Handles data sent via the POST method.
    • Suitable for sensitive or large amounts of data.
    • Data is not exposed in the URL, enhancing security.
  • doGet:
    • Manages data sent via the GET method.
    • Ideal for fetching data without altering server state.
    • Data is appended to the URL, making it visible and bookmarkable.

Implementing doPost in Controller Servlet

Step-by-Step Code Explanation

  1. Setting Content Type:

    • Ensures the response is rendered as HTML in the browser.
  2. Creating PrintWriter Object:

    • Facilitates writing response data back to the client.
  3. Retrieving Form Data:

    • Extracts user input from the form fields.
  4. Generating HTML Output:

    • Dynamically constructs an HTML page displaying the submitted data.

Implementing doGet Method

To handle GET requests similarly to POST, delegate to the doPost method:

Deploying to Tomcat Server

Deploying your application to Apache Tomcat allows you to test and run your Servlets and JSPs effectively.

Deployment Steps

  1. Build the Project:
    • Use Maven to compile and package your application.
    • Run the command:
  2. Deploy to Tomcat:
    • Locate the generated WAR file in the target directory.
    • Copy the WAR file to the webapps folder of your Tomcat installation.
  3. Start Tomcat Server:
    • Navigate to the bin directory of Tomcat.
    • Execute the startup script:
      • Windows: startup.bat
      • Unix/Linux: startup.sh
  4. Access the Application:
    • Open a web browser and navigate to:

Verifying Deployment

  • Successful Deployment:

    The form page should load without errors, ready for data input.

  • Troubleshooting:

    If errors occur, check the Tomcat logs located in the logs directory for detailed information.

Debugging Common Issues

Developing with Servlets and Tomcat may present various challenges. Here are common issues and their solutions.

Issue 1: Server Not Starting


Tomcat fails to start or throws errors related to ports.


  1. Check Port Usage:

    Use the command:

    • Identify processes using port 8080.
  2. Terminate Conflicting Processes:

    Find the Process ID (PID) and terminate it using:

  3. Restart Tomcat:

    Attempt to start Tomcat again after freeing the port.

Issue 2: Form Submission Not Working


Submitting the form results in errors or unexpected behavior.


  1. Verify Servlet Mapping:

    Ensure the URL mapping in web.xml or annotations matches the form action.

  2. Check HTTP Methods:

    Confirm the form’s method (post or get) aligns with the implemented Servlet methods.

  3. Inspect Form Action URL:

    Use browser developer tools to verify the form is pointing to the correct URL.

Issue 3: Parameter Retrieval Errors


Servlet fails to retrieve form parameters, resulting in null values.


  1. Ensure Parameter Names Match:

    Verify that the name attributes in form fields match the parameter names in the Servlet.

  2. Check Form Encoding:

    Ensure the form uses the correct encoding type, especially when dealing with special characters.

  3. Validate Request Handling:

    Confirm that the Servlet correctly processes the request before attempting to retrieve parameters.

Debugging Tips

  • Use Print Statements:

    Insert System.out.println statements in your Servlet to trace execution flow.

  • Leverage IDE Debugger:

    Utilize your IDE’s debugging tools to set breakpoints and inspect variables.

  • Review Tomcat Logs:

    Examine catalina.out and other log files for error messages and stack traces.


Submitting forms to Servlets is a pivotal skill in Java web development, offering enhanced control, scalability, and adherence to the MVC architecture. By replacing traditional JSP form handling with Servlets, developers can create more organized and maintainable applications. This guide provided a comprehensive walkthrough, from setting up the development environment to deploying and debugging your application on Apache Tomcat.

Key Takeaways

  • Servlets offer robust mechanisms for handling form submissions securely and efficiently.
  • Implementing the MVC pattern enhances code organization and separation of concerns.
  • Proper configuration and deployment are crucial for the smooth functioning of web applications.
  • Effective debugging practices ensure rapid identification and resolution of issues.

Embrace the power of Servlets in your Java web projects to build scalable, maintainable, and secure applications.

Note: This article is AI generated.

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