S10L03 – HTTP Requests

Mastering HTTP Requests in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction………………………………………….Page 3
  2. Understanding HTTP Calls……………………………..Page 5
    • 2.1. What Are HTTP Calls?
    • 2.2. The Role of JSON Placeholder
    • 2.3. Fetch API vs. XMLHttpRequest
  3. Making HTTP GET Requests with XMLHttpRequest………….Page 10
    • 3.1. Setting Up the Request
    • 3.2. Handling Asynchronous Operations
    • 3.3. Managing Ready States and HTTP Status Codes
  4. Handling Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript…………Page 18
    • 4.1. The Asynchronous Nature of JavaScript
    • 4.2. Pros and Cons of Asynchronous Programming
    • 4.3. Future Topics: Promises, Async/Await
  5. Conclusion……………………………………………Page 25


Welcome to “Mastering HTTP Requests in JavaScript”, your definitive guide to understanding and implementing HTTP calls using JavaScript. Whether you’re a beginner stepping into the world of web development or a seasoned developer looking to solidify your knowledge, this eBook provides a clear, concise, and comprehensive exploration of HTTP requests.


HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the foundation of data communication on the web. Mastering HTTP requests is crucial for fetching data from servers, interacting with APIs, and building dynamic web applications. This guide delves into the mechanics of HTTP calls, comparing modern and traditional approaches, and offers practical code examples to reinforce your learning.

Importance and Purpose

Understanding HTTP requests enables developers to:

  • Fetch and manipulate data from external sources.
  • Build interactive and responsive web applications.
  • Integrate with third-party APIs seamlessly.

Pros and Cons


  • Facilitates dynamic data retrieval and manipulation.
  • Enhances user experience through asynchronous data loading.
  • Enables integration with a wide range of web services.


  • Asynchronous programming can introduce complexity.
  • Requires careful handling of errors and states.
  • Potential performance overhead if not managed efficiently.

Tabular Overview of Topics

Topic Description Key Points
HTTP Calls Basics of HTTP requests Methods, status codes
JSON Placeholder A free service for testing HTTP requests Setup, usage
Fetch API vs. XMLHttpRequest Comparing modern and traditional HTTP methods Syntax, capabilities
Asynchronous Programming in JS Handling async operations Promises, async/await, callbacks

When and Where to Use HTTP Requests

HTTP requests are indispensable when:

  • Communicating with remote servers.
  • Integrating third-party APIs.
  • Building single-page applications (SPAs).
  • Performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Understanding when and how to use different HTTP methods and handling responses effectively can significantly enhance your web development projects.

Understanding HTTP Calls

2.1 What Are HTTP Calls?

HTTP calls are requests sent from a client (usually a web browser) to a server to perform various operations like fetching data, submitting forms, or updating resources. These calls follow the HTTP protocol, which defines how messages are formatted and transmitted.

2.2 The Role of JSON Placeholder

JSON Placeholder is a free online REST API that you can use for testing and prototyping. It offers endpoints returning fake data, allowing developers to simulate HTTP requests without setting up their servers.

Example Endpoint:

  • https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts – Returns a list of posts.

2.3 Fetch API vs. XMLHttpRequest

Modern JavaScript primarily uses the Fetch API for making HTTP requests due to its simplicity and promise-based structure. However, understanding XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is essential as it offers more control and is fundamental to older codebases.

Feature Fetch API XMLHttpRequest
Syntax Style Promise-based Callback-based
Ease of Use Simple and concise More verbose and complex
Streaming Data Supports streaming Limited streaming capabilities
Browser Support Modern browsers Broad browser support, including older ones
Handling Responses Requires parsing to JSON explicitly Can handle various response types easily

Making HTTP GET Requests with XMLHttpRequest

While the Fetch API is widely adopted, understanding XMLHttpRequest provides deeper insights into the HTTP request lifecycle. Let’s walk through creating a GET request using XHR.

3.1 Setting Up the Request

First, create a new instance of XMLHttpRequest and open a connection to the desired endpoint.


  • new XMLHttpRequest(): Initializes a new XHR object.
  • open(method, URL, async): Sets up the request. The third parameter true indicates an asynchronous request.

3.2 Handling Asynchronous Operations

JavaScript is inherently asynchronous, meaning it can handle other tasks while waiting for the HTTP response. To manage this, use event listeners to handle state changes.


  • onreadystatechange: Event handler triggered during the request lifecycle.
  • readyState === 4: Indicates the request is complete.
  • status === 200: Checks for a successful HTTP status code.
  • JSON.parse(request.responseText): Converts the JSON string response into a JavaScript object.

3.3 Managing Ready States and HTTP Status Codes

Understanding readyState and HTTP status codes is crucial for effective HTTP request handling.

Ready States:

readyState Description
0 UNSENT – Client has been created.
1 OPENED – open() has been called.
2 HEADERS_RECEIVED – send() has been called.
3 LOADING – Downloading response.
4 DONE – The operation is complete.

Common HTTP Status Codes:

Status Code Meaning
200 OK – The request was successful.
404 Not Found – The requested resource could not be found.
500 Internal Server Error – A generic error on the server.

Handling Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript

Asynchronous programming allows JavaScript to perform tasks without waiting for previous operations to complete. This is essential for tasks like HTTP requests, where waiting for a response could block the main thread.

4.1 The Asynchronous Nature of JavaScript

JavaScript uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. This means it can handle multiple operations simultaneously without waiting for each to finish, enhancing performance and user experience.


When making an HTTP request, JavaScript doesn’t halt execution. Instead, it continues running other code, handling the HTTP response when it arrives via callbacks or promises.

4.2 Pros and Cons of Asynchronous Programming


  • Efficiency: Non-blocking operations make applications more responsive.
  • Performance: Can handle multiple tasks concurrently.
  • User Experience: Prevents the UI from freezing during long operations.


  • Complexity: Managing asynchronous code can be challenging.
  • Debugging: Errors can be harder to trace.
  • State Management: Keeping track of different states requires careful planning.

4.3 Future Topics: Promises, Async/Await

To manage asynchronous operations more effectively, modern JavaScript introduces Promises and the async/await syntax.

  • Promises: Represent the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation, allowing chaining of .then() and .catch() methods.
  • Async/Await: Syntax sugar over Promises that makes asynchronous code appear synchronous, enhancing readability and maintainability.


In this guide, we’ve explored the intricacies of making HTTP requests in JavaScript using both modern and traditional methods. From setting up XMLHttpRequest to understanding the asynchronous nature of JavaScript, mastering these concepts is pivotal for building robust web applications.

Key Takeaways

  • HTTP Calls: Fundamental for data communication between clients and servers.
  • JSON Placeholder: A valuable tool for testing HTTP requests without setting up a server.
  • Fetch API vs. XMLHttpRequest: Understanding both provides flexibility in handling different scenarios.
  • Asynchronous Programming: Essential for responsive and efficient web applications.

As you continue your journey in web development, remember that handling HTTP requests effectively is a cornerstone of creating dynamic and interactive applications. Embrace the asynchronous nature of JavaScript, leverage modern tools like Promises and async/await, and keep experimenting with different APIs to enhance your skills.

SEO Optimized Keywords

HTTP requests, JavaScript HTTP calls, XMLHttpRequest tutorial, Fetch API vs. XMLHttpRequest, asynchronous programming in JavaScript, JSON Placeholder guide, making HTTP GET requests, handling async operations, JavaScript web development, HTTP status codes, readyState in XMLHttpRequest, JavaScript promises, async await in JavaScript


Sample Code: Making an HTTP GET Request with XMLHttpRequest


  • A button initiates the HTTP GET request.
  • The response is displayed in a <pre> tag for readability.
  • The console logs a waiting message to indicate asynchronous operation.


Upon clicking the “Fetch Posts” button, the browser console logs “Waiting for response…”, and the fetched posts are displayed in the <pre> element in a formatted JSON structure.

By following this guide and experimenting with the provided code samples, you’ll gain a solid understanding of HTTP requests in JavaScript, enabling you to build more dynamic and interactive web applications.

Note: This article is AI generated.

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