S06L01 – Normal functions and expression functions

Understanding JavaScript Functions: Normal vs. Expression-Based

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What Are Functions in JavaScript?
  3. Normal Functions
  4. Expression-Based Functions
  5. Hoisting in JavaScript Functions
  6. Comparison Between Normal and Expression-Based Functions
  7. Code Examples and Explanations
  8. Conclusion


Functions are the fundamental building blocks of every programming language, and JavaScript is no exception. Understanding how functions work, the different ways to define them, and their behaviors is crucial for both beginners and seasoned developers. This eBook delves into the intricacies of JavaScript functions, focusing on normal functions and expression-based functions. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to leverage these functions effectively in your projects.

Importance of Understanding JavaScript Functions

  • Reusability: Functions allow you to write code once and reuse it multiple times, enhancing efficiency.
  • Organization: They help in organizing code into manageable sections.
  • Maintainability: Functions make debugging and updating code easier.

Pros and Cons of Different Function Types

Function Type Pros Cons
Normal Functions – Hoisted, allowing invocation before declaration.
– Clear syntax.
– Lack of flexibility compared to expressions-based functions.
Expression-Based Functions – Can be anonymous, offering flexibility.
– Useful in functional programming.
– Not hoisted, requiring declaration before use.

When and Where to Use Different Function Types

  • Normal Functions: Ideal for defining standard operations where hoisting is beneficial.
  • Expression-Based Functions: Best suited for callbacks, event handlers, and scenarios requiring anonymous functions.

What Are Functions in JavaScript?

Functions in JavaScript are reusable blocks of code designed to perform a particular task. They can accept inputs, known as parameters, and return outputs. Functions help in breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable pieces, promoting code reusability and readability.

Key Concepts

  • Declaration: Defines a function using the function keyword.
  • Invocation: Executes the function.
  • Parameters and Arguments: Inputs to functions that allow them to operate on different data.

Normal Functions


Example and Explanation

Let’s create a simple function that prints a message multiple times:



  • The printMessage function is defined using the function keyword.
  • When invoked, it executes the console.log statements, printing the message four times.

Benefits of Normal Functions

  • Hoisting: Can be called before they are defined in the code.
  • Clear and Readable Syntax: Makes the code easier to understand.

Expression-Based Functions

Expression-based functions, or function expressions, involve assigning a function to a variable. Unlike normal functions, they are not hoisted, meaning you must define them before invoking.


Example and Explanation

Here’s how to create and use an expression-based function:



  • A constant printMessage is assigned an anonymous function.
  • The function is invoked using the variable name printMessage(), printing the message once.

Benefits of Expression-Based Functions

  • Flexibility: Can create anonymous functions or assign different functions to variables dynamically.
  • Enhanced Functional Programming: Useful for callbacks and higher-order functions.

Hoisting in JavaScript Functions

Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during the compilation phase. Understanding hoisting is essential to predict how functions behave, especially when dealing with normal and expression-based functions.

Hoisting with Normal Functions

Normal functions are hoisted, allowing you to call them before their declaration.


  • Even though printMessage is invoked before its declaration, JavaScript hoists the function, preventing errors.

Hoisting with Expression-Based Functions

Expression-based functions are not hoisted in the same way. Attempting to invoke them before declaration results in errors.


  • Unlike normal functions, expression-based functions require that the variable is defined before invocation.

Comparison Between Normal and Expression-Based Functions

Understanding the differences between normal and expression-based functions is crucial for writing efficient and error-free JavaScript code. Here’s a comprehensive comparison:

Aspect Normal Functions Expression-Based Functions
Syntax function name() {} const name = function() {} or const name = () => {}
Hoisting Hoisted; can be called before declaration Not hoisted; must be defined before invocation
Naming Typically named Can be anonymous or named
Usage in Callbacks Less flexible More flexible and commonly used in callbacks and higher-order functions
Readability Clear and straightforward Can be less readable if overused or improperly named
Performance Slightly better in some cases due to hoisting Marginally slower due to scope considerations

Code Examples and Explanations

Normal Function Example


Step-by-Step Explanation:

  1. Declaration: The greet function is declared using the function keyword.
  2. Invocation: The function is called using its name greet(), executing the console.log statement.

Expression-Based Function Example


Step-by-Step Explanation:

  1. Assignment: An anonymous function is assigned to the constant greet.
  2. Invocation: The function is called using the variable name greet(), executing the console.log statement.

Demonstrating Hoisting with Normal Functions



  • Despite invoking greet() before its declaration, the function executes successfully due to hoisting.

Demonstrating Hoisting with Expression-Based Functions



  • Attempting to invoke greet() before its assignment results in an error because expression-based functions are not hoisted.

Comparison Table in Code

Feature Normal Function Expression-Based Function
Declaration function func() {} const func = function() {} or const func = () => {}
Hoisting Yes No
Invoking Before Declaration Allowed Not Allowed
Use in Callbacks Less Common More Common


JavaScript functions are indispensable tools for building robust and maintainable code. Understanding the differences between normal functions and expression-based functions, especially regarding hoisting and syntax, empowers developers to write more efficient and error-free programs. Normal functions offer the advantage of hoisting, making them versatile for various scenarios, while expression-based functions provide the flexibility needed for modern JavaScript paradigms like callbacks and functional programming.

By mastering these concepts, you enhance your ability to create reusable code, improve code organization, and ensure better performance in your applications. Remember to choose the appropriate function type based on the specific needs of your project to leverage the full potential of JavaScript functions.

SEO Keywords: JavaScript functions, normal functions, expression-based functions, function hoisting, JavaScript programming, function declarations, function expressions, JavaScript hoisting, coding best practices, beginner JavaScript, JavaScript tutorials, programming fundamentals, reusable code, JavaScript callbacks

Note: This article is AI generated.

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