S12L13 – Wait and Notify in Java multithreading continues

Mastering Wait and Notify in Java Multithreading

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction ………………………………………………………… 1
  2. Understanding Multithreading in Java ……… 3
  3. The Importance of Synchronization ………… 5
  4. Exploring Wait and Notify Methods ………….. 7
  5. Practical Implementation: Bank Account Simulation ………… 11
  6. Common Pitfalls and Best Practices ………. 17
  7. Conclusion ………………………………………………………….. 21


Welcome to Mastering Wait and Notify in Java Multithreading, your comprehensive guide to understanding and effectively implementing synchronization mechanisms in Java. In the realm of concurrent programming, managing how multiple threads interact is pivotal to building robust and efficient applications. This eBook delves into the intricacies of the wait and notify methods, offering clear explanations, practical examples, and best practices to elevate your multithreading skills.

Key Highlights:

  • Grasp the fundamentals of Java multithreading.
  • Understand synchronization and its importance.
  • Dive deep into wait, notify, and notifyAll methods.
  • Explore a real-world Bank Account simulation project.
  • Learn to avoid common synchronization pitfalls.

Understanding Multithreading in Java

What is Multithreading?

Multithreading is a programming concept that allows concurrent execution of two or more threads for maximum utilization of CPU. In Java, each thread runs in the context of a thread scheduler, which manages the execution of threads.

Why Multithreading?

  • Improved Performance: Allows multiple operations to run simultaneously, enhancing application responsiveness.
  • Resource Sharing: Efficient utilization of system resources by sharing common data.
  • Simplified Modeling: Natural representation of real-world scenarios where multiple activities occur concurrently.

Threads in Java

Java provides the Thread class and the Runnable interface to create and manage threads.

The Importance of Synchronization

What is Synchronization?

Synchronization is the process of controlling the access of multiple threads to shared resources. Without proper synchronization, threads may interfere with each other, leading to inconsistent data states and unexpected behaviors.

Why Synchronize?

  • Data Integrity: Ensures that shared data remains consistent.
  • Thread Coordination: Manages the sequence of thread execution.
  • Prevent Deadlocks: Avoids situations where threads are waiting indefinitely for each other.

Synchronization Mechanisms in Java

  • Synchronized Methods: Locks the entire method.
  • Synchronized Blocks: Locks a specific block of code.
  • Wait and Notify Methods: Facilitates communication between threads.

Exploring Wait and Notify Methods

Wait Method

The wait() method causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() or notifyAll() method for the same object. It effectively releases the lock and enters the waiting state.


Overloaded Versions:

  • wait(long millis): Waits for the specified milliseconds.
  • wait(long millis, int nanos): Waits for the specified milliseconds and nanoseconds.

Notify and NotifyAll Methods

  • Notify (notify()): Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the object’s monitor.
  • Notify All (notifyAll()): Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the object’s monitor.


Key Differences Between Wait and Notify

Feature wait() notify()
Purpose Causes the current thread to wait Wakes up a waiting thread
Lock Release Yes Requires synchronized block
Number of Threads Notified None (just waits) Single thread

Practical Implementation: Bank Account Simulation

Project Overview

To illustrate the practical application of wait and notify, we’ll simulate a simple Bank Account system where multiple threads perform withdrawal and deposit operations concurrently. This example highlights how to manage thread synchronization to maintain data integrity.

Project Structure:

Code Breakdown


Code Explanation

  1. BankAccount Class:
    • Balance: Represents the current balance in the account.
    • withdraw Method:
      • Synchronized to prevent concurrent access.
      • Checks if the balance is sufficient. If not, it waits for a deposit.
      • Uses wait(3000) to wait for 3 seconds before proceeding.
    • deposit Method:
      • Synchronized to ensure thread safety.
      • Adds the deposit amount to the balance.
      • Calls notify() to wake up any waiting withdrawal threads.
  2. Withdrawal Class:
    • Implements Runnable to perform withdrawal in a separate thread.
    • Invokes the withdraw method of BankAccount.
  3. Deposit Class:
    • Implements Runnable to perform deposit in a separate thread.
    • Sleeps for 2 seconds to mimic processing time before invoking the deposit method.
  4. Main Class:
    • Creates instances of Withdrawal and Deposit.
    • Starts both threads, initiating the concurrent operations.

Executing the Project

Upon running the Main class, the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. Withdrawal Thread:
    • Attempts to withdraw $1000.
    • If insufficient funds, waits for a deposit.
  2. Deposit Thread:
    • Sleeps for 2 seconds to simulate processing delay.
    • Deposits $2000.
    • Notifies the waiting withdrawal thread.
  3. Final Output:
    • Withdrawal completes after the deposit, updating the balance accordingly.

Expected Output:

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Common Pitfalls

  1. Not Using Synchronized Blocks:
    • Failing to synchronize access to shared resources can lead to race conditions and inconsistent states.
  2. Incorrect Use of Wait and Notify:
    • Forgetting to call wait or notify within a synchronized context results in IllegalMonitorStateException.
  3. Deadlocks:
    • When two or more threads are waiting indefinitely for each other to release locks.
  4. Using notify Instead of notifyAll:
    • In scenarios where multiple threads might be waiting, using notify can lead to some threads remaining blocked.

Best Practices

  1. Always Synchronize Shared Resources:
    • Use synchronized methods or blocks to control access to shared data.
  2. Use notifyAll When Multiple Threads Are Waiting:
    • Ensures that all waiting threads are notified, preventing indefinite blocking.
  3. Minimize the Scope of Synchronized Blocks:
    • Restrict synchronization to the smallest necessary code segment to enhance performance.
  4. Handle InterruptedException Properly:
    • Always catch and handle InterruptedException to maintain thread responsiveness.
  5. Avoid Using wait with Arbitrary Timeouts:
    • Prefer condition-based waits over fixed timeouts for more reliable thread coordination.


Mastering the wait and notify methods is essential for building reliable and efficient multithreaded applications in Java. By understanding synchronization mechanisms and implementing best practices, you can effectively manage thread interactions, ensuring data integrity and optimal performance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Synchronization: Crucial for managing access to shared resources.
  • Wait and Notify: Facilitates communication between threads, allowing for coordinated execution.
  • Best Practices: Adhering to synchronization protocols prevents common threading issues like deadlocks and race conditions.

Embrace these concepts to leverage the full potential of Java’s multithreading capabilities, paving the way for creating high-performance and scalable applications.

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