S12L07 – Synchronization methods in multithreading

Mastering Synchronized Methods in Multithreading: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1
2. Understanding Multithreading in Java 3
3. The Role of Synchronized Methods 7
4. Implementing Synchronized Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide 10
– 4.1 Setting Up the Brackets Class 11
– 4.2 Creating and Managing Threads 15
– 4.3 Synchronizing the Generate Method 19
– 4.4 Code Walkthrough and Explanation 23
– 4.5 Program Output and Analysis 27
5. Benefits and Drawbacks of Synchronized Methods 31
6. When and Where to Use Synchronized Methods 35
7. Conclusion 39
8. Additional Resources 42


In the realm of Java programming, multithreading stands as a powerful feature that allows concurrent execution of two or more threads for maximum utilization of CPU. However, managing synchronized access to shared resources remains a critical challenge. This guide delves into the intricacies of synchronized methods in multithreading, providing a clear and concise exploration tailored for beginners and developers with basic knowledge.

Why Synchronized Methods Matter

Multithreading enhances the performance of applications by executing multiple threads simultaneously. Yet, without proper synchronization, threads can interfere with each other, leading to inconsistent results and unpredictable behavior. Synchronized methods ensure that critical sections of code are accessed by only one thread at a time, maintaining data integrity and consistency.

Overview of Key Points

  • Multithreading Basics: Understanding threads and their execution.
  • Synchronized Methods: Mechanisms to control thread access.
  • Implementation: Step-by-step guide to implementing synchronized methods.
  • Benefits vs. Drawbacks: Weighing the pros and cons.
  • Practical Applications: When and where to apply synchronization.

Understanding Multithreading in Java

Before diving into synchronized methods, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of multithreading in Java.

What is Multithreading?

Multithreading allows a Java program to perform multiple operations concurrently. Each thread runs its path of execution, enabling tasks like animations, background computations, or handling user interactions simultaneously.

Creating Threads in Java

Threads can be created in Java by:

  1. Extending the Thread Class:
  2. Implementing the Runnable Interface:

The Need for Synchronization

When multiple threads access shared resources without proper synchronization, it can lead to:

  • Data Inconsistency: Threads overwrite each other’s data changes.
  • Race Conditions: The system’s behavior depends on the sequence of thread execution.
  • Deadlocks: Threads wait indefinitely for resources held by each other.

The Role of Synchronized Methods

Synchronized methods are a fundamental tool in Java to control access to shared resources, ensuring that only one thread executes a method at a time.

What is a Synchronized Method?

A synchronized method in Java is a method that can only be accessed by one thread at a time. Once a thread enters a synchronized method, other threads attempting to access any synchronized method on the same object are blocked until the first thread exits the method.

Syntax of Synchronized Methods

How Synchronization Works

When a method is declared as synchronized:

  1. Lock Acquisition: The thread executes the method by acquiring a lock on the current object instance.
  2. Exclusive Access: Other threads are blocked from executing any synchronized method on the same object.
  3. Lock Release: Upon method completion, the lock is released, allowing other threads to proceed.

Implementing Synchronized Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide

To illustrate the implementation of synchronized methods, we’ll explore a practical example involving a class named Brackets that generates patterns using multithreading.

4.1 Setting Up the Brackets Class

The Brackets class contains a method generate which produces a pattern of brackets. Initially, this method isn’t synchronized, leading to inconsistent outputs when accessed by multiple threads.

4.2 Creating and Managing Threads

In the Main class, we create two threads that invoke the generate method of the Brackets class.

4.3 Synchronizing the Generate Method

To ensure that the generate method executes without interruption, we declare it as synchronized.

4.4 Code Walkthrough and Explanation

Let’s dissect the synchronized generate method:

  1. Method Declaration:
    • The synchronized keyword ensures mutual exclusion.
  2. Generating Brackets:
    • The first loop prints 10 right-facing brackets ).
    • The second loop prints 10 left-facing brackets (.
  3. Method Execution:
    • Only one thread can execute generate at a time, preventing interleaved outputs.

4.5 Program Output and Analysis

Without Synchronization:

With Synchronization:


  • Without Synchronization: Outputs from multiple threads interleave, causing jumbled patterns.
  • With Synchronization: Each thread completes its generate method before the next begins, ensuring consistent patterns.

Program Output Example

Each line represents the output from a single thread executing the generate method without interference from other threads.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Synchronized Methods


  1. Data Integrity: Ensures that shared data remains consistent.
  2. Thread Safety: Prevents race conditions and unpredictable behavior.
  3. Simplicity: Easy to implement without complex mechanisms.


  1. Performance Overhead: Synchronization can slow down program execution due to limited parallelism.
  2. Potential for Deadlocks: Improper synchronization can lead to threads waiting indefinitely.
  3. Reduced Scalability: Excessive synchronization can hinder the application’s ability to scale efficiently.

When and Where to Use Synchronized Methods

When to Use

  • Shared Resources: When multiple threads access or modify shared data.
  • Critical Sections: Sections of code that must execute atomically to maintain consistency.
  • Interdependent Operations: Operations where the outcome depends on the sequence of execution.

Where to Use

  • Data Structures: Collections that are accessed by multiple threads.
  • Input/Output Operations: Writing to files or databases where concurrent access can cause inconsistencies.
  • Configuration Settings: Reading and writing application configurations in a multithreaded environment.


Synchronized methods are pivotal in Java’s multithreading paradigm, ensuring that critical sections of code are executed safely and consistently. By controlling access to shared resources, synchronized methods prevent common concurrency issues like race conditions and data inconsistencies. However, developers must balance the benefits of synchronization with its potential drawbacks, such as performance overhead and scalability challenges.

Key Takeaways

  • Multithreading enhances application performance but introduces complexity.
  • Synchronized methods enforce exclusive access to critical sections, maintaining data integrity.
  • Proper implementation is essential to avoid pitfalls like deadlocks.
  • Use synchronization judiciously to balance safety and performance.

Embracing synchronized methods empowers developers to build robust, efficient, and reliable multithreaded applications.

SEO Keywords: synchronized methods, multithreading in Java, thread safety, Java synchronization, synchronized keyword, Java threads, concurrency control, synchronized method example, preventing race conditions, Java multithreading tutorial

Additional Resources

Note: This article is AI generated.

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