S08L06 – Method arguments, call by reference in Java

Understanding Call by Reference in Java: Passing Arrays Explained

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Java Parameter Passing Mechanism
    1. Call by Value vs. Call by Reference
  3. Passing Variables by Value in Java
  4. Passing Arrays by Reference in Java
  5. Demonstrating Call by Reference with Arrays
    1. Java Code Example
    2. Step-by-Step Explanation
    3. Program Output and Analysis
  6. Pros and Cons of Using Call by Reference
  7. Common Pitfalls and Best Practices
  8. Conclusion


In the realm of Java programming, understanding how data is passed between methods is fundamental for writing efficient and bug-free code. One critical concept in this area is call by reference, especially when dealing with arrays. This eBook delves into the intricacies of passing arrays by reference in Java, contrasting it with passing primitive data types by value. By the end of this guide, beginners and developers with basic knowledge will have a clear grasp of how Java handles method arguments, the implications of using call by reference, and best practices to follow.

Java Parameter Passing Mechanism

Call by Value vs. Call by Reference

Java employs a distinctive method for passing arguments to methods, which often leads to confusion among developers transitioning from other programming languages. The two primary mechanisms are call by value and call by reference.

Feature Call by Value Call by Reference
Definition Copies the actual value of an argument. Passes a reference to the actual data.
Effect on Original Data No impact; original data remains unchanged. Original data can be modified within the method.
Supported in Java Applies to primitive data types. Applies to objects and arrays (references).

Passing Variables by Value in Java

In Java, call by value is the default mechanism used for passing arguments. This means that when a primitive data type (e.g., int, float, char) is passed to a method, a copy of the actual value is made. Consequently, any modifications within the method do not affect the original variable outside the method.



In this example, changing the value of num inside the modifyValue method does not affect the original number variable in the main method.

Passing Arrays by Reference in Java

Contrary to primitive data types, when objects or arrays are passed to methods in Java, it is the reference to the actual data that is passed by value. This means that while the reference itself is a copy, it points to the same memory location as the original object or array. Therefore, modifications made to the object or array within the method affect the original data.

Key Points:

  • Arrays in Java are objects; hence, passing an array to a method passes the reference.
  • Changes to array elements within the method reflect in the original array.
  • This behavior is often referred to as call by reference, although technically, Java still uses call by value with object references.

Demonstrating Call by Reference with Arrays

To illustrate how passing arrays by reference works in Java, let’s explore a practical example.

Java Code Example

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Initialization:
    • An array names is initialized with five elements: “Tom”, “Chad”, “Steady”, “Easy”, and “Raj”.
  2. Displaying Initial Array:
    • The displayNames method prints each element of the names array.
  3. Method Call with Array Reference:
    • The displayNamesWithModification method is called with main.names as the argument.
    • Inside this method:
      • The array elements are printed.
      • The first element of the array (names[0]) is modified from “Tom” to “John”.
      • The modified array is printed.
  4. Displaying Modified Array:
    • After returning from the method, displayNames is called again to show that the original array has been updated.

Program Output and Analysis



  • Initially, the array displays “Tom” as the first element.
  • After the displayNamesWithModification method is invoked, “Tom” is changed to “John”.
  • The final display of the array reflects this change, demonstrating that modifying the array within the method affects the original array outside the method.

Pros and Cons of Using Call by Reference


  1. Efficiency:
    • Passing references to large objects or arrays avoids the overhead of copying entire data structures.
  2. Flexibility:
    • Allows methods to modify the original data, enabling more dynamic and flexible code structures.
  3. Memory Management:
    • Reduces memory consumption by minimizing data duplication.


  1. Unintended Side Effects:
    • Modifying objects or arrays within methods can lead to unexpected changes, making debugging more challenging.
  2. Security Risks:
    • Exposing internal data structures to external modifications can lead to data integrity issues.
  3. Complexity:
    • Understanding how data is shared and modified across different parts of the program increases the complexity of code maintenance.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Common Pitfalls

  1. Accidental Modifications:
    • Unintentional changes to objects or arrays can introduce bugs that are hard to trace.
  2. Misunderstanding Scope:
    • Developers may misjudge the scope of modifications, leading to unpredictable program behavior.
  3. Overusing Mutable Objects:
    • Excessive use of mutable objects can make the codebase fragile and error-prone.

Best Practices

  1. Immutable Objects:
    • Use immutable objects when possible to prevent unintended modifications.
  2. Clear Documentation:
    • Document methods that modify passed objects or arrays to inform other developers of potential side effects.
  3. Defensive Copying:
    • Create copies of objects or arrays within methods if modifications are not intended to affect the originals.
  4. Encapsulation:
    • Encapsulate data structures to control how they are accessed and modified.
  5. Consistent Coding Standards:
    • Adhere to coding standards that clearly differentiate between methods that modify data and those that do not.


Understanding how Java handles parameter passing is crucial for developing robust and efficient applications. While Java uses call by value as its default parameter passing mechanism, the behavior of object and array references can mimic call by reference, allowing methods to modify the original data structures. This duality offers both powerful capabilities and potential pitfalls. By adhering to best practices such as using immutable objects, documenting side effects, and employing defensive copying, developers can harness the benefits of passing references while mitigating associated risks.

Note: This article is AI generated.

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