S07L04 – Abstract classes in Java

Abstract Classes in Java: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

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1. Introduction ……………………………………. Page 1
2. Understanding Abstraction in Java ………….. Page 3
    2.1. Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes …….. Page 3
3. Implementing Abstract Classes in Java …….. Page 6
    3.1. Creating an Abstract Class
    3.2. Extending and Overriding Methods
4. Sample Code and Detailed Explanation …….. Page 10
    4.1. Code Syntax and Comments
    4.2. Step-by-Step Code Output
5. Comparison and Use Cases ……………………. Page 15
6. Conclusion ………………………………………. Page 18


Abstraction is one of the core concepts of Java that helps simplify complex systems by hiding unnecessary details. In this eBook, we explore abstract classes—a method to provide partial abstraction—and how they fit into Java’s overall design philosophy. Unlike interfaces (which offer complete abstraction with only method declarations), abstract classes allow a mix of fully implemented methods and abstract methods. This guide is designed for beginners and developers with basic Java knowledge.

Key benefits of understanding abstract classes:

  • Enhance code reuse through common functionality.
  • Provide a balance between abstraction and implementation.
  • Serve as a stepping stone for implementing polymorphism.

Below is a table summarizing the key aspects of abstract classes and interfaces:

Feature Abstract Classes Interfaces
Abstraction Level Partial (mix of implemented and abstract methods) Complete (only method declarations)
Implementation Can contain constructors, fields and concrete methods Cannot have constructors and instance variables
Inheritance Single inheritance Multiple inheritance supported

Use this eBook as a quick reference guide when deciding which approach best suits your project—abstract classes for combining common behavior with enforced implementation and interfaces for solely defining contracts.


Abstraction in Java is a way to hide the internal details and expose only the necessary functionality. In our earlier discussion (as mentioned in the subtitle transcript), we compared interfaces and abstract classes. While interfaces declare methods to be implemented elsewhere, abstract classes can provide both declarations and concrete implementations.

Key Concepts:

  • Abstract Methods: Declared without an implementation.
  • Concrete Methods: Fully implemented methods available for use.
  • Inheritance: Allows extending classes to complete missing implementations.


This chapter demonstrates how abstract classes can be defined and extended to provide functionality with both abstract and implemented methods.

H2: Defining an Abstract Class

Consider the abstract class Person which includes an implemented method, speak(), and an abstract method, eat(). Below is the code snippet as described in the transcript:

H2: Extending the Abstract Class

Any subclass of Person must provide an implementation for the abstract eat() method. For example, we have two classes (John and Pooja) that extend Person:

H2: Creating Objects and Polymorphism

Abstract classes allow for polymorphic object creation where a reference of type Person can point to either John or Pooja. See the example code below:


H3: Code Explanation and Syntax

Let’s break down the code step-by-step:

  1. The abstract class Person is defined with one concrete method speak() that prints a greeting.
  2. The abstract method eat() forces every subclass of Person to provide its own implementation.
  3. In the John class, the eat() method is implemented to print “John eats vegan food.”
  4. Similarly, in the Pooja class, the eat() method is implemented to print “Pooja eats non-vegetarian food.”
  5. The Main class uses polymorphism by instantiating Person references with John and Pooja objects.

Below is the annotated code with detailed comments:

H3: Code Output Summary

When executed, the program offers the following output sequence based on polymorphism:

Output for John:
Welcome there!!!
John eats vegan food.

Output for Pooja:
Welcome there!!!
Pooja eats non-vegetarian food.

H3: Diagram – Abstract Classes in Java Flow

Below is a simple diagram illustrating the relationship between the abstract class and its subclasses:


Abstract classes and interfaces serve distinct purposes in Java programming. Use the following table as a quick reference for when to use each:

Feature Abstract Classes Interfaces
Implementation Partial: mix of fully implemented and abstract methods None: Only method declarations
Suitable for When sharing code among similar objects while allowing some differences When enforcing a contract across multiple classes without sharing common code
Use Cases Base classes in inheritance hierarchies APIs and service contracts

When to use abstract classes:

  • When you intend to share a common base functionality.
  • When you are designing a class hierarchy that benefits from both abstract declarations and concrete method implementations.

When to use interfaces:

  • When you need to ensure that classes adhere to a particular contract without enforcing a common base class.
  • When multiple inheritance of type is required.


This eBook covered the essentials of abstract classes in Java, exploring how they offer a balance between abstraction and implementation. You learned how to define an abstract class, extend it with concrete subclasses, and implement polymorphism by invoking methods dynamically. We also compared abstract classes with interfaces, providing practical insights into their use cases.

Key takeaways:

  • Abstract classes can hold both implemented and abstract methods.
  • Every subclass must override the abstract methods, ensuring a customized behavior.
  • Polymorphism allows a flexible design where a superclass reference can refer to subclass objects.

Whether you are a beginner or a developer looking to strengthen your understanding of Java’s object-oriented features, mastering abstract classes is a fundamental step toward writing efficient and maintainable code.

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