S06L15 – Composition Introduction

Mastering Composition in Object-Oriented Programming: A Comprehensive Guide


1. Introduction ………………………………………………………… Page 1
2. Understanding Composition ……………………………………… Page 3
    2.1 The Idea of Composition …………………………… Page 3
    2.2 Components: Simple and Complex ……………… Page 4
3. Composition Versus Inheritance: A Comparative Analysis … Page 6
4. Diagram and Code Example …………………………………… Page 8
    4.1 Visualizing Composition …………………………… Page 8
    4.2 Sample Code and Walk-through ………………… Page 8
5. Conclusion …………………………………………………………… Page 10


In today’s object-oriented programming (OOP) world, understanding composition is vital for building flexible, modular, and reusable applications. In this eBook, we explore the essence of composition – a design concept based on assembling complex objects from smaller components. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer looking to enrich your toolkit, this guide provides a clear explanation of composition along with comparisons to inheritance, practical examples, diagrams, and step-by-step code explanations.

Key points discussed include:

  • Definition and importance of composition
  • How composition uses both simple variables and complex objects
  • Comparative insights into composition and inheritance
  • Real-world analogies and application examples (using the laptop example from our discussion)

We also include tabular data comparing related topics and describe how to choose the best approach for different scenarios. Let’s begin by exploring the core concept of composition.


2.1 The Idea of Composition

Composition in OOP describes the process of building a complex object by combining smaller, component parts. As presented in our transcript, think of a laptop: It is a composition where some parts (like the screen, RAM, and hard drive) are simple enough to be represented by direct variables, while others (like the processor and graphics card) are complex components that warrant their own classes. Composition is all about merging these elements so that the final object functions as a cohesive unit.

2.2 Components: Simple and Complex

In our example, a laptop comprises the following components:

  • Screen – which might be Full HD, HD, or 4K
  • RAM – with type values such as DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, (possibly DDR5)
  • Hard drive – available storage options like 500 GB, 1 TB, or 2 TB
  • Optical drive – whose values may include single layer or multilayer
  • Keyboard – with properties like backlit or standard
  • Processor and Graphics Card – both classified as complex components that require multiple properties such as brand, series, and various performance specifications

The presentation further emphasizes specific component details (see Slide 4 through Slide 7) and highlights how certain objects like Bike, Car, and Truck use methods of composition too. For example, vehicles have parts like handle, steering, music system, and additional accessories (e.g., container for trucks) illustrating composition in other real-world systems.


While composition and inheritance are interrelated concepts in OOP, choosing the right one depends on your project’s requirements. The transcript mentions that sometimes you may choose to “use inheritance inside composition” or alternatively “go with composition” only. Below is a comparison table to help clarify the differences:

Comparison Table: Composition vs Inheritance

Feature Composition Inheritance
Definition Building objects by combining components (both simple and complex) Deriving new classes from existing classes, sharing behavior and structure
Coupling Typically promotes loose coupling Can result in tighter coupling between parent and child
Design Flexibility Greater flexibility since objects can change components at runtime Less flexible; structure is often hardwired in the class hierarchy
Reusability Encourages reusability of individual components Code reuse is possible but can lead to complexity in deep inheritance trees
Use Cases When an object is a composition of parts with diverse features When objects share a common set of characteristics that naturally fall into a hierarchy

Additionally, when comparing variable-based components (e.g., screen, RAM, hard drive) versus complex components (e.g., processor, graphics card), you can see that using classes for complex parts adds structure and clarity, making the system easier to manage and extend.


4.1 Visualizing Composition

Imagine a simple diagram of a Laptop class that encapsulates both properties and classes:

4.2 Sample Code and Walk-Through

Below is a simplified C++ code example demonstrating composition. In this example, the Laptop class contains both basic attributes and a component that is a class on its own (Processor).

Step-by-Step Explanation:

  1. The Processor class is defined with properties like brand, series, generation, number of cores, threads, and frequency. Its constructor initializes these values, and the displayInfo() method prints out the processor’s details.
  2. The Laptop class demonstrates composition by having simple properties (screen, ram, etc.) and a complex component (Processor). Its constructor uses a member initializer list to bind the Processor object.
  3. In the main() function, a Processor object is created first, and then a Laptop object is instantiated using this processor. When displayLaptopSpecs() is called, it prints out both the laptop’s simple properties and detailed processor information.
  4. The expected output will list all laptop specifications, followed by the processor’s information.


In summary, composition in object-oriented programming is the art of building complex systems by assembling smaller components – a methodology that offers flexibility and clarity. By understanding the difference between simple properties and complex components, and by comparing composition with inheritance, you can make informed choices in your software design.

Key takeaways include:

  • Composition allows mixing simple variables with complex objects to model real-world items (like a laptop).
  • It provides loose coupling and flexibility compared to inheritance, which may create tighter bonds between classes.
  • Practical implementation using programming languages like C++ demonstrates how components are brought together seamlessly.

By mastering these concepts, developers are well-equipped to design robust and scalable systems. Experiment with these patterns in your own projects to build maintainable and innovative applications.

Note: This article is AI generated.

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