S01L03 – SQL workbench

Creating and Managing Database Tables with Hibernate and Spring Boot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction – Page 1
  2. Setting Up the Database Schema – Page 2
  3. Creating the Users Table – Page 4
  4. Integrating Hibernate with Spring Boot – Page 7
  5. Adding Data to the Users Table – Page 9
  6. Conclusion – Page 11


Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Creating and Managing Database Tables with Hibernate and Spring Boot. In this eBook, we will delve into the foundational steps of setting up a database schema, creating tables, and integrating Hibernate with Spring Boot to streamline database interactions.

Importance and Purpose

Efficient database management is crucial for any application. Understanding how to create and manage database tables forms the backbone of robust application development. This guide aims to equip beginners and developers with basic knowledge to confidently design and interact with databases using Hibernate and Spring Boot.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Pros Cons
Streamlined database interactions with Hibernate Initial setup can be complex for beginners
Enhanced productivity with Spring Boot integration Requires understanding of ORM concepts
Automated schema generation and management Potential performance overheads if not configured properly

When and Where to Use This Guide

This eBook is ideal for:

  • Beginners looking to understand database table creation and management.
  • Developers with basic knowledge aiming to integrate Hibernate with Spring Boot.
  • Project Managers overseeing application development requiring database proficiency.

Setting Up the Database Schema

Creating a well-structured database schema is the first step in managing your application’s data effectively. In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up a database schema named project.

Steps to Create a Database Schema

  1. Accessing the Database Management Tool: Launch your preferred database management tool (e.g., MySQL Workbench, pgAdmin).
  2. Creating a New Schema:
    • Right-click on the existing schemas/database list.
    • Select Create New Schema.
    • Name the schema project.
  3. Applying Changes: After naming, apply the changes to create the schema.

Note: If you’re already familiar with this process, you can skip to the next section on creating tables.

Creating the Users Table

With the project schema in place, the next step is to create a users table that will store user information such as ID, name, and email.

Defining Table Columns

Creating a table involves specifying its columns and their respective data types and constraints. Here’s how to define the users table:

  1. Creating a New Table:
    • Right-click on the Tables section within the project schema.
    • Select Create New Table.
    • Name the table users.
  2. Adding Columns:
    • user_id:
      • Data Type: INT
      • Constraints:
        • Primary Key
        • Not Null
        • Auto-Incremented
    • name:
      • Data Type: VARCHAR(255)
      • Constraints: Not Null
    • email:
      • Data Type: VARCHAR(255)
      • Constraints: Not Null, Unique

Applying Changes and Verifying

After defining the columns:

  1. Apply Changes: Click on the Apply button to execute the generated SQL query, which creates the users table in the database.
  2. Verification:
    • Navigate to the Tables section and refresh the view.
    • Hover over the users table to see the table icon.
    • Click on the icon to open the Result Grid, where you can add, view, or modify records.

Tip: Utilizing the result grid allows for direct data manipulation without writing additional SQL queries.

Integrating Hibernate with Spring Boot

Hibernate is a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool that simplifies database interactions in Java applications. When combined with Spring Boot, it offers a seamless way to manage database operations.

Why Hibernate?

  • Simplified Data Access: Eliminates the need for boilerplate JDBC code.
  • Automatic Table Creation: Automatically generates database tables based on entity classes.
  • Transaction Management: Provides robust transaction management capabilities.

Setting Up Hibernate in Spring Boot

  1. Add Dependencies: Ensure your pom.xml includes dependencies for Spring Boot Starter Data JPA and Hibernate.

  1. Configure Application Properties:


  • ddl-auto=update: Automatically updates the database schema based on entity classes.
  • show-sql=true: Displays SQL queries in the console for debugging.
  1. Create Entity Classes: Define Java classes that map to your database tables.

Remember: Properly defining entity classes ensures Hibernate correctly maps and manages your database tables.

Adding Data to the Users Table

With the users table created and integrated with Hibernate, you can now add data to your database seamlessly.

Programmatic Data Insertion

Here’s a sample Spring Boot repository and service to add a new user:



Explanation of the Code

  1. UserRepository:
    • Extends JpaRepository providing CRUD operations for the User entity.
    • Annotated with @Repository to indicate it’s a Spring-managed bean.
  2. UserService:
    • Annotated with @Service to denote it’s a service-layer component.
    • addUser Method:
      • Creates a new User instance.
      • Sets the name and email fields.
      • Saves the user to the database using userRepository.save(user).

Sample Program Execution

Let’s add a new user named Pooja with the email pooja@studyeasy.org.


Note: The userId is auto-incremented by the database upon insertion.


In this eBook, we’ve explored the fundamental steps to create and manage a database table using Hibernate and Spring Boot. Starting from setting up the database schema to integrating Hibernate for streamlined data access, you’ve gained the essential knowledge to handle database operations effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Schema Setup: Creating a well-structured schema is crucial for organized data management.
  • Table Creation: Defining appropriate columns and constraints ensures data integrity.
  • Hibernate Integration: Simplifies database interactions, automates schema management, and enhances productivity.
  • Data Insertion: Programmatically adding data through Spring Boot services leverages the power of ORM for efficient database operations.

By mastering these concepts, you lay a solid foundation for developing robust and scalable applications. In the upcoming chapters, we’ll delve deeper into interacting with the database using Hibernate, performing complex queries, and optimizing performance.

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