Category Java Articles

S11L12 – Equals and HashCode in Java

Mastering equals() and hashCode() in Java Table of Contents Introduction Understanding equals() and hashCode() in Java What is equals()? What is hashCode()? Why do equals() and hashCode() need to be overridden? Step-by-Step Code Explanation Implementing equals() method Implementing hashCode() method…

S12L01 – Multithreading Overview

Multithreading Overview Table of Contents: Introduction Understanding Multithreading Lifecycle of a Thread Example of Multithreading in Java Conclusion 1. Introduction In modern computing, multithreading plays a vital role in optimizing system performance by allowing multiple threads to run concurrently within…

S12L10 – Static Synchronization in Java

Static Synchronization in Java Table of Contents Introduction Static Synchronization in Java Code Walkthrough Key Takeaways Conclusion Introduction In Java, synchronization is crucial when multiple threads attempt to access shared resources concurrently. This concept prevents thread interference and ensures thread…

S12L11 – Usage of Volatile keyword

Understanding the Volatile Keyword in Java Table of Contents Introduction The Concept of Volatile in Java Importance and Benefits of Using Volatile Example: Volatile in a Multithreaded Application Code Walkthrough Conclusion Introduction In modern Java applications, multithreading has become a…