Category Course Articles

S10L09 – Wildcards in Java Generics

Understanding Wildcards in Java Generics Table of Contents Introduction What Are Generics in Java? Wildcards in Java Generics Upper Bounded Wildcards Lower Bounded Wildcards Unbounded Wildcards Wildcards vs Regular Generics Conclusion Introduction Java Generics allows developers to create classes, interfaces,…

S10L10 – Async and Await

Mastering Async and Await in Java: A Beginner’s Guide to Asynchronous Programming Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Async and Await Implementation in Java Comparison with Other Asynchronous Methods Conclusion Introduction Overview Asynchronous programming is a cornerstone of modern software development,…

S11L12 – Equals and HashCode in Java

Mastering equals() and hashCode() in Java Table of Contents Introduction Understanding equals() and hashCode() in Java What is equals()? What is hashCode()? Why do equals() and hashCode() need to be overridden? Step-by-Step Code Explanation Implementing equals() method Implementing hashCode() method…

S12L01 – Multithreading Overview

Multithreading Overview Table of Contents: Introduction Understanding Multithreading Lifecycle of a Thread Example of Multithreading in Java Conclusion 1. Introduction In modern computing, multithreading plays a vital role in optimizing system performance by allowing multiple threads to run concurrently within…