S04L03 – DoWhile loop in JavaScript

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Key Points:

  • The do block contains the code that will be executed.
  • After executing the code block, the while condition is evaluated.
  • If the condition is true, the loop continues; if false, the loop terminates.

How Do-While Loops Differ from Other Loops

Do-While vs. For Loop

Feature Do-While Loop For Loop
Execution Guarantee Executes at least once regardless of condition May not execute if condition is false initially
Syntax Structure do { ... } while (condition); for (initialization; condition; increment) { ... }
Use Case When the loop must run at least once When the number of iterations is known beforehand

Example Comparison:

Do-While Loop:

For Loop:

Outcome: The Do-While loop will execute once and print “Value of i: 5”, whereas the For loop won’t execute at all since the condition i < 5 is false initially.

Do-While vs. While Loop

Feature Do-While Loop While Loop
Execution Guarantee Executes at least once regardless of condition May not execute if condition is false initially
Syntax Structure do { ... } while (condition); while (condition) { ... }
Use Case When initial execution is required When execution depends strictly on the condition

Example Comparison:

Do-While Loop:

While Loop:

Outcome: Similar to the For loop comparison, the Do-While loop executes once, while the While loop does not execute at all.

Practical Example: Implementing a Do-While Loop

Sample Code Explanation

Let’s explore a practical example to understand how Do-While loops work in JavaScript.


  1. Initialization: The variable i is initialized with the value 5.
  2. Do Block Execution: The console.log statement prints the current value of i, which is 5.
  3. Increment: The value of i is incremented by 1, making it 6.
  4. Condition Check: The condition i < 5 is evaluated. Since 6 < 5 is false, the loop terminates.
  5. Result: Despite the condition being false, the code inside the do block executed once.

Adding Comments to the Code:

Output Analysis



  • The Do-While loop executes the console.log statement once, printing “Value of i: 5”.
  • After incrementing, the condition i < 5 (6 < 5) evaluates to false, so the loop stops.
  • Hence, only one statement is printed to the console.

Another Example with Initial Value Less Than Condition:



  1. First Iteration:
    • i = 3: Prints “Value of i: 3”.
    • Increments i to 4.
    • Condition 4 < 5 is true.
  2. Second Iteration:
    • i = 4: Prints “Value of i: 4”.
    • Increments i to 5.
    • Condition 5 < 5 is false.
  3. Termination: Loop stops after two executions.

When and Where to Use Do-While Loops

Do-While loops are particularly useful in scenarios where the code block must execute at least once, regardless of the condition. Here are common use cases:

  1. User Input Validation:
    • Prompting a user for input and validating it. The prompt should appear at least once.
  2. Menu-Driven Programs:
    • Displaying a menu to users where at least one selection or action is required before checking for continuation.
  3. Retry Mechanisms:
    • Attempting an operation (like connecting to a server) at least once before determining if a retry is necessary based on a condition.
  4. Navigational Processes:
    • Iterating through elements where the first traversal must occur regardless of initial conditions.

Example: User Input Validation

Explanation: The prompt appears at least once, ensuring that the user provides input before the condition is evaluated.


In this eBook, we’ve explored the Do-While Loop in JavaScript, a fundamental control structure that ensures code execution at least once before evaluating its continuation condition. Understanding the nuances of Do-While loops enables developers to implement robust and efficient loops tailored to specific scenarios where initial execution is mandatory.

Key Takeaways:

  • Guarantee of Execution: Do-While loops execute the code block at least once, making them ideal for scenarios requiring initial execution regardless of the condition.
  • Syntax Simplicity: The Do-While loop’s clear syntax allows for straightforward implementation and readability.
  • Comparative Advantage: When compared to For and While loops, Do-While loops offer unique benefits in specific use cases, such as user input validation and menu-driven programs.

By mastering Do-While loops, you enhance your ability to control program flow effectively, ensuring that your JavaScript applications behave predictably and efficiently.

Note: This article is AI generated.

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