S03L01 – Updating application properties

Integrating H2 Database in Spring Boot Applications

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Setting Up the H2 Database in Spring Boot
    • Project Overview
    • H2 Database Overview
  • Configuring Application Properties
    • Application Properties Explained
    • Customizing Spring Boot Settings
  • Creating a Controller for Data Handling
    • Code Walkthrough
    • Home Controller Implementation
  • Connecting and Managing Data with H2
    • Code Implementation
    • Example Queries
  • Conclusion


In modern web development, databases play a pivotal role in managing application data. Spring Boot, a popular Java framework, simplifies this process by allowing the integration of various databases, including H2—a lightweight, in-memory database. This article will guide you through the steps of integrating the H2 database into a Spring Boot application, which is perfect for development and testing environments.

H2 is an embedded, open-source, and fast database system that supports both in-memory and persistent data storage. By the end of this guide, you’ll know how to configure Spring Boot to work seamlessly with H2, manage database connections, and set up basic CRUD operations.

Setting Up the H2 Database in Spring Boot

Project Overview

The provided project is a simple Spring Boot application designed to integrate H2 as its database. The core files in the project include:

  • SpringStarterApplication.java: The main entry point of the application.
  • HomeController.java: A controller managing incoming requests and directing them to appropriate views.
  • application.properties: The configuration file that allows us to specify database details and application-level settings.

H2 Database Overview

H2 is designed to be easy to use and integrate, making it a great choice for rapid development and testing. Key features of H2 include:

  • Fast in-memory database
  • Easy integration with Spring Boot
  • Support for SQL standard queries
  • Lightweight and requires minimal configuration

Configuring Application Properties

Application Properties Explained

The application.properties file in Spring Boot serves as a central place to configure various settings, such as database connections, logging levels, and more. To connect to H2, we’ll need to modify this file.

  • spring.datasource.url: Defines the connection URL for the H2 database. In this case, mem:testdb specifies an in-memory database named testdb.
  • spring.datasource.driverClassName: Specifies the driver used to connect to the database.
  • spring.datasource.username and password: The credentials used for the database.
  • spring.h2.console.enabled: Enables the H2 console, allowing you to interact with the database via a web interface.

Customizing Spring Boot Settings

Spring Boot’s application.properties file allows for customization of default settings, including the port, logging level, and database configurations. In this project, we use H2’s in-memory database for testing purposes, but we can also switch to file-based persistence by adjusting the spring.datasource.url.

Creating a Controller for Data Handling

HomeController Code Walkthrough

@Controller: This annotation indicates that this class serves as a controller in Spring MVC.

@GetMapping(“/”): Maps HTTP GET requests to the home() method, which returns the home.html view.

Connecting and Managing Data with H2

Code Implementation

Once the H2 database is configured, we can create a repository interface to handle data interactions. The Spring Data JPA module provides the necessary abstraction for interacting with databases.

In the application.properties, ensure that Hibernate and DDL auto configurations are enabled:


Integrating the H2 database into a Spring Boot application is straightforward, thanks to Spring’s autoconfiguration capabilities. It provides a fast, lightweight solution for development and testing. With just a few steps, you can set up an in-memory database, configure it through application.properties, and begin performing basic CRUD operations.

By mastering this process, you can speed up the development of your Spring Boot applications while maintaining flexibility in database management.