S02L03 – Inversion of control

Understanding Inversion of Control (IoC) in Spring

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Core Concepts of Inversion of Control
  3. How IoC Works in Spring Framework
  4. Code Examples and Step-by-Step Explanation
  5. Conclusion


Inversion of Control (IoC) is a critical principle in software design, particularly in object-oriented programming, that enables more flexible and maintainable code. Instead of manually creating and managing the lifecycle of objects, IoC hands over control to a container, such as Spring, which takes care of object creation, configuration, and dependency resolution.

The purpose of IoC is to reduce tight coupling between classes and promote reusable, testable, and scalable code. In the Spring framework, IoC is a foundational principle, making it easier to manage application components, especially in large enterprise applications.

Core Concepts of Inversion of Control

Dependencies in Java

In traditional Java applications, you often create dependencies manually, like:

Here, the object Test is instantiated inside the Main class, which tightly couples Main with Test. This approach works for simple applications but creates challenges as the project grows.

IoC Containers and their Role in Spring

An IoC container in the Spring framework manages the lifecycle of objects (called beans) and injects them into the application. This means the application components are not responsible for creating their dependencies.

Traditional Object Management IoC with Spring
Manual Object Creation Automatic Object Creation by Container
Tightly Coupled Components Loosely Coupled Components

Types of Dependency Injection in Spring:

  • Constructor-based Injection
  • Setter-based Injection
  • Field Injection

How IoC Works in Spring Framework

The IoC principle reverses the traditional flow of control by transferring the responsibility of object creation to the Spring container. When an object is needed, the Spring container automatically provides it, as defined in the configuration.

Control Flow in Spring Applications

Spring’s IoC container manages the control flow by following these steps:

  • Configuration: Spring scans or reads XML or annotation-based configuration files to understand which objects to create and how to inject them.
  • Bean Creation: Beans are instantiated based on the provided configuration.
  • Dependency Injection: Dependencies are injected into the beans, making them ready for use.

Spring Bean Creation with IoC

Here’s a simple example of IoC in Spring with annotation-based configuration:

In this example, the Test class is managed by the Spring IoC container, and Spring injects an instance of Test when requested.

Code Examples and Step-by-Step Explanation

Java Class without IoC

Java Class with IoC in Spring

Explanation of Spring Beans and IoC

A Spring bean is an object that is instantiated, assembled, and managed by the IoC container. By marking the class with @Component, we tell Spring to treat it as a bean. The AnnotationConfigApplicationContext manages the configuration and bean injection.


Inversion of Control is a powerful design pattern that simplifies dependency management and promotes loose coupling in applications. By using IoC with the Spring framework, Java developers can build scalable and maintainable applications with ease.

When designing your Java applications, leveraging IoC will lead to cleaner code, better testing capabilities, and more reusable components.