S01L08 – The Richardson Maturity Model and wrap up

Richardson Maturity Model in REST APIs

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the Richardson Maturity Model?
  3. Levels of the Richardson Maturity Model
    3.1 Level 0: No RESTful APIs
    3.2 Level 1: Multiple URIs and Single HTTP Verb
    3.3 Level 2: Multiple URIs and Multiple Verbs
    3.4 Level 3: Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)
  4. Implementing the Richardson Maturity Model in Java
  5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In the world of RESTful APIs, the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) serves as a guide to measure the level of adherence to REST principles. REST APIs are designed to leverage the architecture of the web, and the RMM provides a model to assess an API’s level of maturity based on how well it conforms to RESTful design principles. The model ranges from Level 0 (where there is no REST at all) to Level 3 (where the API is fully RESTful, including HATEOAS).

This article will explore the levels of the Richardson Maturity Model and explain how they can be implemented in Java-based RESTful services.

2. What is the Richardson Maturity Model?

The Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) was developed by Leonard Richardson to define the stages of API maturity based on the use of resources, HTTP methods, and hypermedia controls. It provides a structured approach for evaluating how closely an API aligns with RESTful principles.

3. Levels of the Richardson Maturity Model

3.1 Level 0: No RESTful APIs

At Level 0, the API does not follow any REST principles. There is typically a single URI endpoint, and all interactions with the server are carried out via this single endpoint. This level does not make use of resource URIs or HTTP methods. Instead, it transfers SOAP-based or POX (Plain Old XML) payloads.


In this example, the API endpoint is a single URI that handles various operations without distinguishing between resources or HTTP methods.

Level Features
0 No REST, single URI, single HTTP verb, POX, SOAP

3.2 Level 1: Multiple URIs and Single HTTP Verb

At Level 1, the API begins to use URIs to represent individual resources. However, there is still a limitation as only a single HTTP verb (usually POST) is used for all actions.


In this case, there are separate URIs for different resources (e.g., cars, brands), but the same HTTP method (POST) is used to interact with those resources.

Level Features
1 Multiple URIs, single HTTP verb (usually POST)

3.3 Level 2: Multiple URIs and Multiple HTTP Verbs

At Level 2, the API supports multiple URIs and multiple HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). This is where the API starts to leverage HTTP methods for their intended purposes, following RESTful principles more closely. The CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are handled using standard HTTP methods.


Each resource (e.g., cars) is represented by a URI, and the appropriate HTTP method is used to perform operations on that resource.

Level Features
2 Multiple URIs, multiple HTTP verbs (CRUD)

3.4 Level 3: Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)

Level 3 is the highest level of the Richardson Maturity Model. At this level, the API fully adheres to REST principles, including the use of HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State). With HATEOAS, the API responses contain hyperlinks that allow clients to navigate the application dynamically without hardcoding URIs.


In this case, the response contains links that provide the client with the available actions related to the resource, such as updating or deleting the car.

Level Features
3 URIs, HTTP methods, and hypermedia (HATEOAS)

4. Implementing the Richardson Maturity Model in Java

To illustrate how the different levels of the Richardson Maturity Model can be implemented in Java, let’s consider an example using the Spring Boot framework. Below is a simplified implementation of a RESTful service at Level 2 (multiple URIs and multiple HTTP verbs).

Java Code Example (Spring Boot):


  • GET /cars: Retrieves a list of all cars (Read operation).
  • POST /cars: Creates a new car (Create operation).
  • PUT /cars/{id}: Updates an existing car by its ID (Update operation).
  • DELETE /cars/{id}: Deletes a car by its ID (Delete operation).

This implementation follows the Level 2 principles of the Richardson Maturity Model, utilizing multiple URIs and HTTP methods to handle resources and operations.

5. Conclusion

The Richardson Maturity Model provides a structured approach to understanding and building RESTful APIs. By evaluating an API’s level of maturity, developers can assess how closely their API adheres to REST principles and take steps to improve its design. Level 3, which includes HATEOAS, represents the pinnacle of RESTful API design, allowing clients to navigate resources dynamically through hypermedia controls.

Whether you are starting with a simple API or aiming for full REST compliance, the Richardson Maturity Model is a valuable tool for guiding API development.